Radio Hed Logo 2By Jeffrey Hedquist

What herds do you belong to?

I was just thinking about some of the herds (groups of individuals who think alike; who believe the same things; who identify with their group) I’ve been/am part of:

Boy Scout, track team member, college graduate, Army recruit, singer/songwriter, DJ, radio salesperson, media producer, meditator, voice artist, organic farmer, etc.

How about you? Each of us and all the members of our audience all identify with one or more herds, tribes, clubs, or groups.

We’re so used to selling to people who need or want what our clients have that we forget or ignore a more powerful approach – selling to people who believe what our clients believe – their herd.

That’s why it’s important to communicate to the audience why your client does what they do. Is there a higher/broader purpose other than making profit? That’s what will connect them to their herd.

Is your client’s herd Harley owners, fisherpersons, DIYers, gamers, extreme sports enthusiasts, proud Moms, technerds, weekend musicians? Is it people who want to care for the environment, who want to be free of chronic pain, who seek to leverage their financial assets?

Each of your clients may court different herds. You can create commercials or campaigns to appeal to each one.

The bookstore that holds scrapbooking meetings, the sports store that gives archery lessons to kids, the truck accessory place that speaks directly to their passionate fans by telling stories about a customer’s tricked-out vehicle – all these are ways your client can connect with their herds.

When you help your clients say to their audience, “Here’s what we believe. We’re one of you. This is the place where you can find camaraderie and support for our shared beliefs. This is the place where you’re understood,” then, the bond that’s established will generate a continuing stream of future sales.

No medium does this better than radio – the stories you can tell in audio and the digital resources you can provide will make your advertisers and their herds very happy.

You’d like to get better results for your clients, do it faster and have more fun doing it. Us too. That’s why we’ve developed ways to help you make that happen. Some are free and some are inexpensive. Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to find out more.

© 1997–2016 Hedquist Productions, Inc. All rights reserved.


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