
Play Santa

Artist: Kurt Kaniewski-writer, producer/Jerry Coniglio-client, voice Album: KK Creative Koncepts Genre: Commercials Duration: 00:30 Uploaded By Kurt Kaniewski on 5th Jun, 2019
There are a few benefits about a client voice-based radio campaign where you coach the client's voice parts to a point they can EXACTLY repeat the lines you feed them. Of course, if you've been consistent with the irreverent tenor of the campaign, the client will start trusting you more as they...
There are a few benefits about a client voice-based radio campaign where you coach the client's voice parts to a point they can EXACTLY repeat the lines you feed them. Of course, if you've been consistent with the irreverent tenor of the campaign, the client will start trusting you more as they hear how the big picture unfolds and begin to loosen up. And THIS makes it even EASIER to direct them moving forward. So then you can occasionally put them in far fetched situations previously reserved for the more talented voice actors on your staff. Putting the client in these kinds of scenarios from time to time not only keeps the legs of your campaign growing even longer, but it presents the client in even more of a fun light that listeners (and potential customers) might eventually find easier to gravitate towards...

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