We begin Side A with a well done demo from Pete Jensen, this month's interview subject. We fill up the rest of Side A with a strong selection of promos from around the globe. There's some Christmas flavor sprinkled on both sides, so be sure to file any ideas you get for next Christmas. Cut 9 from Greg Williams/WMC is a compilation promo of a series of events that took place over the Christmas holidays. The morning show got the snowball rolling with a Tickle Me Elmo doll. It's a great example of the power of radio. Cut 10 is the audio for this month's Producer's VU column. The sweeper is one intense piece of production from Hal Knapp at Z100 in New York. Read then listen, or listen then read!

Side B opens with an impressive piece of work from Mike McCann at Airlift Productions in New Orleans. It's titled "Is Anyone Home at the Gettysburg Address" and features a wonderful read from Mike's 10-year old daughter, Katy. The rest of the side is filled a host of creative ads. Cut 2 is a great alternative to the usual loud "Superbowl Party" spots. Cut 3 is a spot for bubble gum; more excellent production targeted to kids from Kidstar. Cut 9 comes from some young producers at a campus station in Spirit Lake, Iowa. Cut 13 challenged the creative team at WMYI as they had to come up with a spot that advertises real gambling with video poker machines, but they could not mention that it was gambling.

Side A

Cut 1 - Demo from Pete Jensen/KZZU/KTRW/KXLY, Spokane, WA
Cut 2 - "One World, One Station" - S.Hoffman(w), M.Goode(p), K.Eubanks(v)/KEDG-FM, Las Vegas, Nevada
Cut 3 - "Year End" - Vito Gee(wp), Chris Corley(v)/WWCT-FM, Peoria, Illinois
Cut 4 - "Snowboard Survival Slide" - A.Capp(w), S.Kirk(p), M.Malleck(v)/Kidstar, Seattle, Washington
Cut 5 - "Year End Poll" - John Castino(wpv), Wes Shainline(v)/WDRE-FM, Jenkintown, Pennsylvania
Cut 6 - "Straight Talk" - John Bowen(wp), Al Smith(v)/KDFX-AM, Dallas, Texas
Cut 7 - "Do The Join Up" - R.Harper(wp), Eggman/P.Dickson(v)/WWMG-FM, Charlotte, North Carolina
Cut 8 - "American Music Awards" - Pat Garrett/Pat Garrett Creative Services, Silver Spring, Maryland
Cut 9 - "Tickle Me Elmo" - Greg Williams/WMC-FM, Memphis, Tennessee
Cut 10 - "Planet Z" sweeper - Producer's VU audio - Hal Knapp/Z100, New York, New York
Cut 11 - "Kiss Club/Spin City" - Jeff Berlin(p)/J.J.Wright(v)/WXKS-FM, Boston, Massachusetts
Cut 12 - "World Music Tour" - Nigel Chapman/Heart 100.7, Birmingham, England
Cut 13 - "Power Lunch/Estrogen" - Andrew Frame(wpv), Kerri Stout(v)/WJBX-FM, Ft. Myers, Florida

Side B

Cut 1 - "Is Anyone Home at the Gettysburg Address" - M.McCann(p), K.McCann(v)/Airlift Productions, New Orleans, LA
Cut 2 - "Superbowl/Pepsi" - Timothy Miles(wpv)/WOOZ-FM, Carbondale, Illinois
Cut 3 - "Bubbliscious" - L.Trochim(w), A.Capp(pv), others(v)/Kidstar, Seattle, Washington
Cut 4 - "Zoo Entertainment/Tool" - Mike Goode(wpv)/KEDG-FM, Las Vegas, Nevada
Cut 5 - "Ladies Workout Express" - Everly(wpv), Locke/Kehrt/Reynolds(v)/WBLG/WBGN, Bowling Green, Kentucky
Cut 6 - "Friday's" - Dennis McAtee/KKOW-AM/FM, Pittsburg, Kansas
Cut 7 - "CD Experience" - Wes Shainline(wpv)/WDRE-FM, Jenkintown, Pennsylvania
Cut 8 - "Hocus Pocus" - Gordon(w), Grant(pv), Long/Melton(v)/WKLT-FM, Traverse City, Michigan
Cut 9 - "Goodies Handmade Candies" - P.Kieffaber(vp), L.Olson(w)/KUOO/KUQQ, Spirit Lake, Iowa
Cut 10 - "Barilla Pasta" - H.Buchanan(w), J.Hernandez(v), J.Geraci(pv)/WMXB-FM, Richmond, Virginia
Cut 11 - "Madden's TV" - Patrick O'Regan/Corks 96 FM, Cork City, Ireland
Cut 12 - "Disk Saver" - D.Missen(p), J.Congram/T.Anthony(v)/B105FM, Bowen Hills, Australia
Cut 13 - "Buncombe Rd. Video Mall" - M.Ballard(w), J.Lawrence(vp), WMYI Team(v)/WMYI-FM, Greenville, South Carolina


  • The R.A.P. Cassette - December 1990

    On side A, we feature sweepers which are right after the montage from this month's interviewee, Greg Scott Fisher. These sweepers have to rank among some...