cbi logo1 webNextRadio and College Broadcasters, Inc. (CBI) are pleased to announce the winners of the College Radio Spot Contest. Thomas Baker III, a freshman at Lincoln College in Lincoln, Illinois won first place in the contest with his creative radio spot entitled, Data Pigs. The radio spot is featured in the fourth flight of the NextRadio National Awareness Campaign which started October 1 and runs through December 31, 2015. The NextRadio National Awareness Campaign was launched in February 2015 to promote the activation of FM chips within all smartphones and NextRadio. This is an industry-wide marketing effort, supported by the National Association of Broadcasters (NAB). The college contest winning radio spot, Data Pigs, calls out the music streaming apps that use a massive amount of consumers’ data. The radio spot features NextRadio as the solution to saving consumers’ data and battery life while enjoying local FM radio on their smartphones. “The final entries were incredible; the level of talent coming from the universities was extraordinary. I was extremely impressed with Thomas’ clever spot.  The approach and messaging really stood out and should get consumers to pay attention and take action if their carrier doesn’t offer NextRadio,” said Jeff Schmidt, SVP of Professional Development, Radio Advertising Bureau. Tayler Shaindlin, a senior at Central Washington University in Ellensburg, Washington won second place with the radio spot, In the Park. Tayler received a registration to NSEMC and one night hotel stay during the conference. Ryan Flannery, a senior at Seton Hall University, South Orange, New Jersey came in third place with the radio spot, How You Listen is Done. Ryan received a registration to NSEMC courtesy of NextRadio. To hear all three radio spots, visit www.nextradioapp.com/collegecontest. NextRadio National Awareness Campaign information and radio spots can be found at www.nextradioapp.com/promote.

StickFX kixfx webSticky FX announce the release of a new library, KIX FX, an imaging library targeted to pop, rock and alternative formats. With over 200 fx, the new package has separate folders for Impacts, Starters, Fx, Beats, Drones, Separators and statics. It blends with lots of musical styles from pop to rock and from alternative dance to eclectic. www.Stickyfx.com. ► 


  • The R.A.P. Cassette - May 1995

    Production demo from interview subject Willie Wells @ WKLH/WLZR Milwaukee; plus promos and spots from Fred Cunha @ CJEZ Toronto, Ed Brown @ KSHE St....