RAP-CD-logo-2Welcome to the July 2008 RAP CD! We get started with a sampler from this month's interview subject, Jay Ginsberg. The sampler contains several examples of Jay's voiceover styles, followed by a montage of VO work in the style of Jay's alter ego, Racer Stevens. Production 212 audio from Dave Foxx lights up track 2. Creative commercials fill out tracks 3 through 12, and promos are on tracks 13 through 24. Track 19 from Ian Fish has some accompanying video which can be viewed at www.youtube.com/user/5iverfever — excellent way to support a promotion! Sweeper montages are on tracks 25 through 28, and we wrap things up with more fun from Al Peterson on track 29, which he says is "what happens when you edit together two of the most annoying national radio spots airing today," and Steve Stone puts the icing on the cake with a spoof on track 30.

1. Sampler from Jay Ginsberg, KZST-FM/JayGinsberg.com, Santa Rosa, California, voiceovermalibu[at]aol.com
2. Production 212 Audio – Dave Foxx, Z100, New York, NY, davefoxx[at]clearchannel.com
3. Direct Maytag/Disclaimers, Steve Franzman, Zimmer Radio, Columbia, Missouri, franzman[at]zrgmail.com
4. DBC Radio Recruitment Ad, Jon Carter, Megahertz Studios, Greensboro, North Carolina, jc[at]megahertzstudios.com
5. Maxwell's Music House, Mike Vuckovich, Kool-FM, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada, mvuckovich[at]koolfm.com
6. Gary Cooper Chevrolet, Steve Thompson, 105.3 Kool FM, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada, sthompson[at]koolfm.com
7. Molson Canada/Corona, Seann Shaffer, Rogers Radio, Vancouver, BC, Canada, seann.shaffer[at]vancouverradio.rogers.com
8. Online Booty Call, Rob Frazier, KLSX, Los Angeles, California, rfrazier[at]cbs.com
9. Joplin Human Society/Frank, Jerry Long, Zimmer Radio, Joplin, Missouri, jerryl[at]zrgmail.com
10. Bumpus Harley, Jim McCarthy, www.cnotespots.com, yourvoicer[at]cnotespots.com
11. Lynchburg Hyundai, Scott Walker, Clear Channel, Roanoke/Lynchburg, Virginia, scottwalker[at]clearchannel.com
12. River Run Rafting, Craig Gear, Rogers Broadcasting, Toronto, Ont., Canada, craig.gear[at]rci.rogers.com
13. Forgot Father's Day, Robin J. Egerton, The Goat/CKLM-FM, Lloydminster, Alberta, Canada, robin[at]borderrock.com
14. Find the Fugitive, Brendan O Driscoll, Corks 96 & 103FM, Ireland, brendan[at]96fm.ie
15. Monday Night Requests, Joe D'Agostin, D'Agostin Productions, Pasadena, California, jd[at]dagostinproductions.com
16. Bottom Hour/Playlist, Dan Motut, JRFM/600AM, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, dmotut[at]jrfm.com
17. 1010 Rewards, David Magro, Astral Media Radio, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, dmagro[at]radio.astral.com
18. Jack/Six Seconds With, Dave Cockram, Rogers Radio, Vancouver, BC, Canada, dave.cockram[at]vancouverradio.rogers.com
19. FiverFever Promos, Ian Fish, 100.7 Heart FM, The Midlands, United Kingdom, ian.fish[at]thisisglobal.com
20. Music Lives Here Concert Intro, Jesse Simon, 96.9 Jack FM/Lite 96, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, Jesse.Simon[at]rci.rogers.com
21. Big Three 30, Rich Boerner, KLSX, Los Angeles, California, rboerner[at]cbs.com
22. Rock Paper Scissors, Chris Nicoll, ZM Network, Auckland, New Zealand, wizz[at]zmonline.com
23. UT Basketball/New Coach Bruce Pearl, Eric Bohlen, Citadel Broadcasting, Knoxville, TN, eric.bohlen[at]citcomm.com
24. Listen All Week, Jeff Berlin, Jeff Berlin Creative, Boston, Massachusetts, jeff.berlin[at]compast.net
25. Jack FM Imaging Sampler #2, Johnny George, Formerly at Susquehanna, Indianapolis, IN, radio[at]johnnygeorge.com
26. 98 Rock Sweepers, Chadd Pierce, KRXQ/KWOD, Sacramento, California, chadd[at]krxq.net
27. KAZR Sweeper Montage, Brian Whitaker, Saga Communications, Des Moines, Iowa, brian[at]whitakerdesign.net
28. NRG Sweepers, Roy Hall, RoyHall.com, Londonderry, Ireland, info[at]royhall.com
29. Geico-Onstar, Al Peterson, Radio America Network, Washington, DC, alanpeterson[at]earthlink.net
30. Milky Discharge Bar, Steve Stone, Zimmer Radio, Joplin, Missouri, sstone[at]zrgmail.com


  • The R.A.P. Cassette - July 1993

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