RAP-CD-logo-2Welcome to the April 2008 RAP CD, brought to you in part by Jon Carter and Megahertz Studios. Megahertz Studios has just released Version 2.0 of their Butchershop Production Package. Check out the demo on track 1. And if you're in the market for a voice, check out Jon's VO demo on track 2. Contact info below.

Next up is a demo from this month's interview subject, Adam Burgess. Track 4 is audio for Dave Foxx's Production 212 column. (There are six cuts on that single track). Track 5 kicks off our 2008 RAP Awards Best of the Rest Part 1 with Feature Productions on tracks 5 through 12. Small Market Commercials are on tracks 13 through 17, Medium Market Commercials on tracks 18 through 23, and we wrap it up with Large Market Commercials on tracks 24 through 32. Each of these cuts came very close to making it to the finals, some missing it by a fraction. All deserve recognition for work well done.

1. [ADV] Butchershop Version 2.0 Production Package – Megahertz Studios, www.megahertzstudios.com, jc[at]megahertzstudios.com, 704-366-8381
2. [ADV] Jon Carter Voiceover Demo - Megahertz Studios, www.megahertzstudios.com, jc[at]megahertzstudios.com, 704-366-8381
3. Demo from Adam Burgess, The One Network, Bristol, United Kingdom, Adam.Burgess[at]gcapmedia.com
4. Production 212 Audio – Dave Foxx, Z100, New York, NY, davefoxx[at]clearchannel.com
5. Superbowl and the Alumni – Cason Smith, KSAK-FM, Walnut, California, cason[at]casonsmith.com
6. CSI: Oz – Steve Stone, Zimmer Radio, Joplin, Missouri, sstone[at]zrgmail.com
7. Filler – Rob Frazier, KLSX-FM, Los Angeles, California, rfrazier[at]cbs.com
8. A Tribute to Steve Irwin – Vaughan Jones, Hot 91, Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia, vjones[at]scoastradio.com.au
9. Dr. Death's Garden Center – Tony Lee, WCCO, Minneapolis, Minnesota, tony.lee[at]cbsradio.com
10. Healing Hands – For Children's Hospital – Joe Meinecke, WKLH-FM, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, jmeinecke[at]wklh.com
11. Beer Flavored Mouthwash – Chris Oddo, WTKS-FM, Orlando, Florida, oddo[at]realradio.fm
12. Super TV3 Home Show & Cooking Show - Chris Oddo, WTKS-FM, Orlando, Florida, oddo[at]realradio.fm
13. First Response Glass/Parked Car – Sheldon Hovde, 100.3 The Q, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, Sheldon[at]theq.fm
14. It Will Be OK – Shawn Reid, KCKL/KLVQ, Tyler, Texas, sreid[at]kcklfm.com
15. Jingle Audition/Rhyme – Kurt S. Kaniewski, Three Eagles Communications, Lincoln, Nebraska, kkaniewski[at]threeeagles.com
16. Central Appliance Recyclers/Union Meeting – Travis McGinnis, Leighton Broadcasting, St. Cloud, MN, prod[at]1047kcld.com
17. Wildlife Sanctuary – Cason Smith, KSAK-FM, Walnut, California, cason[at]casonsmith.com
18. Car Talk – Denis Reidy, Sinclair Communications, Norfolk, Virginia, amproduction[at]sinclairstations.com
19. Cowtown Song – Jim Van Dusen, Astral Media, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, jvandusen[at]radio.astral.com
20. Sandwich Oasis/Egg Farts – C.J. Goodearl, Clear Channel, Orlando, Florida, cjgoodearl[at]ccorlando.com
21. Inkredible Ink Tattoo/Down There – Dave Green, Clear Channel, Orlando, Florida, davegreen[at]ccorlando.com
22. Air Systems of Brevard/Ass - Dave Green, Clear Channel, Orlando, Florida, davegreen[at]ccorlando.com
23. Micrologix/Hostage – Chris Michaels, Clear Channel, Orlando, Florida, chrismichaels[at]ccorlando.com
24. Perfect Lies – Dan Motut, 93.7 JR-FM, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, dmotut[at]jrfm.com
25. Thoughts – Vito Gorinas, Clear Channel Creative Services Group, Atlanta, Georgia, tamalaedmonds[at]clearchannel.com
26. Stork – Vito Gorinas, Clear Channel Creative Services Group, Atlanta, Georgia, tamalaedmonds[at]clearchannel.com
27. Hate - J.J. Foxx, Clear Channel Creative Services Group, Atlanta, Georgia, tamalaedmonds[at]clearchannel.com
28. Bill's Gun Shop/Horror Movie – Brad Lane, KSTP-AM, St. Paul, Minneapolis, Minnesota, blane[at]am1500.com
29. Big Decisions – Lee Rugen, Moody Broadcasting, Chicago, Illinois, lee.rugen[at]moody.edu
30. K&S Equalizers – Rob Frazier, KLSX-FM, Los Angeles, California, rfrazier[at]cbs.com
31. Kabloom/Spring - Rob Frazier, KLSX-FM, Los Angeles, California, rfrazier[at]cbs.com
32. Ann's Bra Shop/Martin Dingle – Steve Wein, KTRS-AM, St. Louis, Missouri, swein[at]ktrs.com