Because of the RAP Awards finalists on last month's RAP Cassette, we did not include a demo from Jim Conlan and Bill West at Radio Works, subjects of the March interview. So, we kick off Side A this month with a short demo of four great spots from Radio Works. Glance at last month's interview to refresh your memory before listening. The rest of Side A gives us a nice collection of creative commercials. Those of you tired of hearing heartburn commercials will enjoy the spoof from Jeff Cannon on cut 12, and we wrap up the side with a couple of sweeper montages. Side B is devoted to promos, and there's some pretty good work on this side, too.

Side A:

1. Demo from Jim Conlan/Bill West, Radio Works, Houston, Texas
2. The Eyesite, Richard Stroobant, CJAY, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
3. Donut Connection, Doug Ankerman, WHBC-AM/FM, Canton, Ohio
4. Car Wash Trio, Pat White, WIL-FM, St. Louis, Missouri
5. Dartmouth Volkswagen, Terry Purcell, C100/CJCH, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
6. Gold Leaf Ltd., John Mangino, WUSQ/WFQX/WNTW, Winchester, Virginia
7. Chantilly's, Craig Debolt, WTPT, Greenville, South Carolina
8. Heroes and Fantasies, Ric Gonzalez, KISS/KSMG/KLUP, San Antonio, Texas
9. Bullfeathers, Matt Anthony, WXVO-FM, Knoxville, Tennessee
10. Gingiss Formalwear, Dennis Coleman, CBS Radio, Austin, Texas
11. AXID/AHD, Jeff Cannon, Branson Music Network, Branson, Missouri
12. Outlaw Country Sweeper Montage, Eric Bohlen, Dick Broadcasting, Knoxville, Tennessee
13. Multi-station Sweeper Montage, Joe Edwards, Advantage Productions, Fort Myers, Florida

Side B:

1. Sandy's Kids, Vito Gee, WLZR, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
2. Sticker On, Garry "D", KNIX-FM, Phoenix, Arizona
3. Drive at Five, Ryan Stockert, CKAT, North Bay, Ontario, Canada
4. Mystery Number Contest, Greg Murray, WLVQ-FM, Columbus, Ohio
5. WIBC/Morning Show, Lonnie Perkins, Perkins & Co., Louisville, Kentucky
6. Song of the Day, Craig Buffington, WQIK/WJGR, Jacksonville, Florida
7. Radio-catessen, Don Elliot, KFI/KOST, Los Angeles, California
8. Rush-Zilla, Dean Heid, WMAN/WYHT, Mansfield, Ohio
9. In Dahl's Room, Todd Manley, WCKG, Chicago, Illinois
10. Bailey's 80s Reunion, Chris Parkin, 92 More FM, Christchurch, New Zealand
11. WRQN 70s Weekend, Dave Hanson, Radioactive, Dallas, Texas
12. Listeners, Greg Saunders, 101QFL, Rockford, Illinois
13. Freeloader Friday, Rik Wolfe, WWSK, Florence, South Carolina
14. Motor City Radio Reunion, Bob Green, Bob Green Productions, Houston, Texas
15. KUQQ Experiment, Laurie Olson, KUOO/KUQQ, Spirit Lake, Iowa
16. X Files Promotion, Andrew Safnauer, WROQ/WSSl/WMYI, Greenville, South Carolina
17. WTUE Hookup Line, Jim Hausfeld, Jacor Dayton, Dayton, Ohio


  • The R.A.P. Cassette - April 1990

    Greetings ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to another edition of The Cassette. Side A begins with a collection of K9-FM production from this...