RAP-CD-Logo1Welcome to the July 2002 RAP CD. We get things started with a great demo of work from Garry "D", this months interview subject. We follow that with the demo from last months interviewee, Chris Adams Ackerman of Clear Channel Audio Design in Boise, Idaho. The rest of this months CD is packed with some excellent commercials and promos. Sean Bell of NYPD in the UK contributes cut 7 with regards to this months Q It Up question about using kids on commercials. (By the way, you wont want to miss next months interview with the legendary Chuck Blore on this very subject.) Commercials fill out cuts 3 through 10. Then we do promos from cuts 11 through 26. We wrap up this months audio showcase with some humor from that crazy guy, Rich Conway at WCCC/WBOQ, Hartford, Connecticut.

1. Garry "D" demo, Garry "D", KNIX/KEY, Phoenix, Arizona
2. Chris Adams Ackerman demo, Clear Channel Audio Design, Boise, Idaho
3. Printing Place/The Program, Jeff Wine, Dame Broadcasting, Chambersburg, PA
4. Captain Elis, Mark Fraser, Metro Radio Group, Halifax, NS, Canada
5. Briarhurst-Fathers Day, Alan White, KKFM-FM, Colorado Springs, Colorado
6. Stagshop.com, Doug Newman, 105.3 Kool FM, Kitchener, Ont., Canada
7. Pleasure Island, Sean Bell, NYPD, United Kingdom
8. Who Can Do It?, David L. Strickland, WGNY-FM, Newburgh, New York
9. WFO Promotions, Dave Shropshire , ShropSounds Audio, Davenport, Iowa
10. Okanagan Golf Club/Ball Abuse, Andrew Murdoch, SILK-FM, Kelowna, BC, Canada
11. Ozzy Cue to Call, Kenny Hobbs, KEGL-FM, Dallas, Texas
12. Most Music Promo, Jym Geraci, KSTP-FM, Minneapolis, Minnesota
13. Baseball Glove and a Dream, Troy Duran, KMOX-AM, St. Louis, Missouri
14. WCBS Winefest, Bill Tynan, WCBS Newsradio 880, New York
15. CIL Beatmix Montage, Timothy Miles, WCIL-FM, Carbondale, Illinois
16. Germany World Cup Screening, Shane Smyth, Lite FM, Dublin, Ireland
17. Dive! Dive!, Mike Vuckovich, 105.3 Kool FM, Kitchener, Ont., Canada
18. Undy 500, Jim Hausfeld, WTUE-FM, Dayton, Ohio
19. Born 2 Fly/SkyWatch Traffic, Johnny George, Susquehanna Indianapolis
20. World Rally Championships/"Passion", James Stodd, Red Dragon FM, Cardiff, United Kingdom
21. Ubiqui-what?, Todd Manley, WGN-AM, Chicago, Illinois
22. Harley Days of May, CJ Goodearl & Dave Green, WJRR-FM, Orlando, Florida
23. This is Who We Are, Richard Stroobant, CJAY, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
24. Rock Workforce, Cruz, WNRQ-FM, Nashville, Tennessee
25. Vibe Nation, Sarah, GWR Group Programme Production, Bristol, UK
26. Employment Ad, Brett Mason, WDJR-FM, Dothan, Alabama
27. I Hate Osama's Greatest Hits, Rich Conway, WCCC/WBOQ, Hartford, Connecticut


  • The R.A.P. CD - June 2006

    Production demo from interview subject, J.J. Foxx at Clear Channel Creative Services Group, Atlanta, GA; plus more imaging, commercials and promos...