

Artist: Kurt Kaniewski/producer Album: KK Creative Koncepts Genre: Promos Duration: 01:03 Uploaded By Kurt Kaniewski on 21st Oct, 2019
(with all due respects to Red Sox Fans) This promo I put together a while back shows when you don't always go "imaging friendly" perpetrating a promo, it can be just as risque and "in your face" as any other sports promo--as long as you can craft the bit accordingly. Even when you have to change...
(with all due respects to Red Sox Fans) This promo I put together a while back shows when you don't always go "imaging friendly" perpetrating a promo, it can be just as risque and "in your face" as any other sports promo--as long as you can craft the bit accordingly. Even when you have to change the order of things for maximum impact.

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  • The R.A.P. CD - November 2003

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