Artist: Kurt Kaniewski/producer
Album: KK Creative Koncepts
Genre: Promos
Duration: 01:03
Uploaded By
Kurt Kaniewski
on 21st Oct, 2019
(with all due respects to Red Sox Fans) This promo I put together a while back shows when you don't always go "imaging friendly" perpetrating a promo, it can be just as risque and "in your face" as any other sports promo--as long as you can craft the bit accordingly. Even when you have to change...
(with all due respects to Red Sox Fans) This promo I put together a while back shows when you don't always go "imaging friendly" perpetrating a promo, it can be just as risque and "in your face" as any other sports promo--as long as you can craft the bit accordingly. Even when you have to change the order of things for maximum impact.
Production demo from interview subject, Shawn Kelly, Clear Channel Communications, Albuquerque, NM; plus more imaging, promos and commercials from Stephen...