Side B opens with the demo from last month's interview subject, Joe Knight. We postponed his demo because of the RAP Awards finalists on last month Cassette. Grab last month's issue and refresh your memory a bit before listening to Joe's demo. Cuts 2 and 3 are audio for this month's Tales of the Tape column from Dennis Daniel. Read the column first! His column actually refers to five spots. The other three will be featured on next month's Cassette. (Yea, we got a bad case of postponitis!) Cuts 4 and 5 are audio for the article from Doug Grant/WKLT-FM, "When the Client Becomes the Copywriter." The first cut is Doug's version, and the second cut is the client's version. Read the article first! We have a couple of spots that really test the multi-voice talents of the producers. Check out cut 6 from Lon Ray/WIXY/WLRW and cut 7 from Rob Naughton/KSHE. More creative commercials fill up the rest of Side B, and we wrap up the side with a spoof spot from CJSD/Thunder Bay, Ontario.

Side A

Cut 1 - Demo from Mike Goode/KEDG-FM, Las Vegas, Nevada
Cut 2 - Producer's VU audio - "Seafair Summerfest promo" - John Nixon/KLSY, Bellevue, Washington
Cut 3 - "Fishin' with KSHE" - Ed Brown(wpv)/KSHE-FM, St. Louis, Missouri
Cut 4 - "9-6/Mission Impossible" - Patrick O'Regan/Corks 96FM, Cork City, Ireland
Cut 5 - "Listeners Top Ten" - Gerry O'Donnell/TIPP-FM, Clonmel, Ireland
Cut 6 - "Rodeo" - G.Swedberg(w), D.Valentine(v), D.Culhane(pv)/KEEY-FM, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Cut 7 - "Passport to Paradise Wars" - M.Rawlings(wpv), R.Reeves(v)/WFMS-FM, Indianapolis, Indiana
Cut 8 - "Martinade" - T.Martin(wv), V.Marr(p)/FOX-FM, St. Kilda, Victoria, Australia
Cut 9 - "Evolution of Rock" - Darren Robertson(p), Phil Dolse(w)/Triple M, Adelaide, Australia
Cut 10 - "Planet Kool/Mission #3" - Mike Tuttle(p), Chris Corley(v)/Advantage Productions (for CKKL), Ft. Myers, FL
Cut 11 - "Saturday Night Hit Zone" - Cramer(p)/WZPL-FM, Indianapolis, Indiana

Side B

Cut 1 - Demo from Joe Knight, Ft. Myers, Florida
Cut 2 - "Dr. Charles Ross" - Tales of the Tape audio from Dennis Daniel/One On One Productions, Ronkonkoma, NY
Cut 3 - "Oak Beach Inn" - Tales of the Tape audio from Dennis Daniel/One On One Productions, Ronkonkoma, NY
Cut 4 - "Traverse Beverage #1" - Doug Grant(wpv)/WKLT-FM, Traverse City, Michigan
Cut 5 - "Traverse Beverage #2" - Doug Grant(pv), client(w)/WKLT-FM, Traverse City, Michigan
Cut 6 - "Ultimate Spas & Gazebos" - Lon Ray(wpv)/WIXY/WLRW, Champaign, Illinois
Cut 7 - "Dr. John's" - Rob Naughton(wpv)/KSHE-FM, St. Louis, Missouri
Cut 8 - "Hard Days Night" - Cramer(p)/WZPL-FM, Indianapolis, Indiana
Cut 9 - "MPS Training" - G.Barnes(wpv), P.Singer/G.Hamilton(v)/WHP/WRVV, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
Cut 10 - "Carpet Source" - Ric Gonzalez/KISS/KSMG/KLUP, San Antonio, Texas
Cut 11 - "John 'Closed Captioning' Mellancamp" - Mark Tannahill(wv), Daryl Bolton(pv)/CJSD, Thunder Bay, Ontario


  • The R.A.P. Cassette - July 1998

    Commercial production demo from interview subject Eric Stephens, Red Monkey Ads & Ideas, Portland, OR; plus more commercials, imaging and promos...