We begin Side A with a demo from Matt Rawlings, this month's interview subject. There's a lot of great production talent in Indianapolis, and Matt is no exception! Cut 2 is the audio for this month's Producer's VU column--more incredible work from Bob Lawson at WJMK in Chicago. As always, read the column then listen, or listen then read! Rich Van Slyke is still crankin' out the outstanding production as is evident on cut 4 (and cut 4 on Side B, too). Cut 6, "Polyester 104.7", is a collection of IDs aired prior to the "official" calls and format of a new station. The fake format was intended to draw attention, and it did. More promos fill up side A, and we wrap up the side with two well done sets of sweepers from B105 in Australia and WDVE, Pittsburgh, PA.

Side B opens with an Indiana Broadcasters Association awards winner. The spot for Indy Lube won "Best Commercial/Large Markets." Seinfeld fans will love cut 4. A couple of nice spots for McDonalds are featured on cuts 6 and 7. Producer Kat Morgan reports: ...the ideas in the script came from real situations with a few of the "parents of teenagers" on staff. In fact, one of our sales reps and her high school freshman daughter pretty much play themselves in one spot. All the background sounds are the real thing. An intern and I took our portable DAT out to gather sfx at one of the high schools, a McDonalds at lunchtime, and rummaging through a store's clothing department." Nice work! Cut 8 never ran, but it's a well done rip-off of the old Archie Bell & the Drells tune, "Loosen Up." Cut 11 captured an Honorable Mention award from the recent Kansas Association of Broadcasters awards competition. Lots more excellent commercial work on Side B.

Side A

Cut 1 - Demo from Matt Rawlings/WGRL/WFMS, Indianapolis, Indiana
Cut 2 - "Drive-in Pajama Party"/Producer's VU audio - Bob Lawson/WJMK-FM, Chicago, Illinois
Cut 3 - "Classic Rock Image" - R.Timson(w), C.Jackman(p), N.Michaels(v)/CHEZ-FM, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Cut 4 - "T-Shirts" - R.Van Slyke(wpv), K.McClesky/D.diPaola(v)/WKLS-FM, Atlanta, Georgia
Cut 5 - "Billboard Winner" - Geoffrey Erb(wpv)/KNIX-FM, Phoenix, Arizona
Cut 6 - "Polyester 104.7" - Jim Merkel(v)/Kat Morgan(p)/KKLH-FM, Springfield, Missouri
Cut 7 - "Springstein in S.F." - Jeff Berlin/WXKS-FM, Boston, Massachusetts
Cut 8 - "World Music Tour" - Ian Fish/Heart 100.7, Birmingham, England
Cut 9 - "Around the Lake" - Jim Eichhorst(wpv)/KBMX-FM, Osage Beach, Missouri
Cut 10 - "Hot 30 Sweeper Montage" - Darrel Missen/B105, Bowen Hills, Australia
Cut 11 - "Morning Show Sweepers" - B.Price(wp), G.Romano(w), J.Wells(v)/WDVE-FM, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Side B

Cut 1 - "Indy Lube" - Johnny George(pv), Robert Nance(w)/WNAP-FM, Indianapolis, Indiana
Cut 2 - "Crash Test Dummies" - D.Youngs(pvw), R.Timson(vw), S.Colwill(v)/CHEZ-FM, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Cut 3 - "Biltmore Billiards" - R.Moore(w), J.Anderson(p), G.Trent(v)/WKSF-FM, Asheville, North Carolina
Cut 4 - "The Tinderbox Stores" - R.Van Slyke(wpv), Alston/Borow/Willard(v)/WKLS-FM, Atlanta, Georgia
Cut 5 - "Clearview Pool" - Geoffrey Erb(pwv)/KNIX-FM, Phoenix, Arizona
Cut 6 - "McDonalds/Daughter" - J&M Murphree(v), D.Kellogg(v), K.Morgan(pv)/KKLH-FM, Springfield, Missouri
Cut 7 - "McDonalds/Son" - K.Morgan(wp), Turner/Churchill/White(v)/KKLH-FM, Springfield, Missouri
Cut 8 - "Encore Lounge" - Monica Ballard(w), John D. Summers(pv), WMYI-FM, Greenville, South Carolina
Cut 9 - "Hawk Collision" - K.Schenk(wpv), M.Rusinko/C.Reyna(v)/WMAX-FM, Rochester, New York
Cut 10 - "Gold's Gym" - Jeff Berlin(p), J.J. Wright(v)/WXKS-FM, Boston, Massachusetts
Cut 11 - "Nevada Auto Mall" - Dennis McAtee & Nancy Wade/KKOW-AM/FM, Pittsburg, Kansas
Cut 12 - Jingle from Laurent Eveno/Bel Air Productions, Paris, France
Cut 13 - "Pete's of Okoboji" - L.Olson(w), K.Saunders/D.Young(v)/KUOO-FM, Spirit Lake, Iowa
Cut 14 - "Joseph & Dreamcoat" - Holly Buchanan(w), Jym Geraci(p)/WMXB-FM, Richmond, Virginia
Cut 15 - "BC Food/Juggler" - Shiminsky(pw), Chomyn(w), Eno(wv), Richards(v)/CJJR-FM, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Cut 16 - "Splashdown Park" - J.Ptycia(w), S.Bush(pv), Z.Spencer(v)/CKZZ/CISL, Richmond, BC, Canada


  • The R.A.P. CD - December 2002

    Commercial demo from interview subject  Neil Holmes at Voice Creative, Charlottesville, VA; plust more creative commercials and promos from Timothy Miles,...