We begin Side A with a dynamic selection of work from this month's interview subject, Johnny George. Johnny notes the demo consists of production from several locations over the years. It begins with an intro by one of his past comrades at WZPL, Julie Patterson, followed by some spots and promos voiced by Johnny, and wraps up with some cameo voice-over appearances by Dude Walker, Billy Moore and Chuck Riley. We fill out the rest of Side A with the usual collection of creative promos. Cuts 2 and 3 spotlight some slick production from Hal Knapp at Z100 in New York, and Andy Capp "makes it creative" on cut 6.

Side B is filled with some excellent commercial production guaranteed to spark some inspiration for your next project. Cut 3 for the Dayton Philharmonic was written and produced to attract "non-symphonic mainstream masses" to the show. We wrap up the side with a collection of sweeper/ID montages.

Side A

Cut 1 - Demo from Johnny George/WNAP-FM/HotSpots!, Indianapolis, IN
Cut 2 - "Pearl Jam Jam" - H.Knapp(p), K.Eubanks(v), S.Kingston(w)/Z100, New York, NY
Cut 3 - "Acoustic Christmas" - H.Knapp(p), K.Eubanks(v), S.Kingston(w)/Z100, New York, NY
Cut 4 - "Free Money Song" - Mark McKay(wpv)/KIIM/KCUB, Tucson, AZ
Cut 5 - "Sports Center Weekend" - Bo Janssen(vpw)/KSSZ-FM, Fargo, ND
Cut 6 - "Royal Treatment" - Andy Capp/KELO-AM/FM, Sioux Falls, SD
Cut 7 - "Superbowl" - R.Harper(wpv), M.Helsabeck(v), V.Davlin(v)/WWMG-FM, Charlotte, NC
Cut 8 - "Kim Boyce/Steve Camp" - John Bowen(wpv)/Salem Radio Network, Dallas, TX
Cut 9 - "Star 105.5 Bridal Show" - P.Ciarrochi(wpv), J.Hooker/C.Sandoz(v)/WAIT/WZSR, Chicago, IL
Cut 10 - "The Right Choice" - Rich Westfall(wpv)/KAMI-FM, Cozad, NE
Cut 11 - "Wake Up Club" - Katie Long(v), Roger Piper(wpv)/KOSP-FM, Springfield, MO

Side B

Cut 1 - "Lipscomb Motors" - B.Burnam(v), C.Stephens(w), D.Cannon(vp)/KOSP-FM, Springfield, MO
Cut 2 - "Underground" - Mark McKay(wp), Sales Staff & Rick Hunter(v)/KIIM/KCUB, Tucson, AZ
Cut 3 - "Dayton Philharmonic Orchestra" - Steve Wein(wpv)/WLQT-FM, Dayton, OH
Cut 4 - "For Unto Y'all" - Steven Wienbrock(wp), Dave Reed(v)/WMHK-FM, Columbia, SC
Cut 5 - "McDonalds" - Paul Ciarrochi(wvp)/WAIT/WZSR, Chicago, IL
Cut 6 - "Museum of Natural History" - Jim Blommel/WGRR-FM, Cincinnati, OH
Cut 7 - "Ken Masiongale Heating & Cooling" - Lon Ray(wpv)/WLBC-AM/FM, Muncie, IN
Cut 8 - "Allen Olds Used Cars" - C.O'Douglas(pv), S.Jones(v)/KTSR-FM, Bryan, TX
Cut 9 - "Mary Lou's Furniture" - Bryon Maddox/WMDH-FM, New Castle, IN
Cut 10 - "Hardee's" - Jeff Left(wpv)/Jeff Left Productions, Fargo, ND
Cut 11 - "Photogarden" - Mary Collins/Knight Quality Creative Services, Burlington, VT
Cut 12 - Sweeper montage for KVRI - B.Casey(w), J.George(vp), B.Moore(v)/HotSpots!, Indianapolis, IN
Cut 13 - Sweeper montage - "Zeus"/WJXY-FM, Conway, SC
Cut 14 - Sweeper montage - Jim Bollella/WOCT-FM, Baltimore, MD


  • The R.A.P. Cassette - February 1997

    Production demo from interview subject, Pete Jensen @ KZZU, Spokane; plus commercials, promos and imaging from John Bowen @ KDFX Dallas, Pat Garrett @ Pat...