letters-logo-oct95(Warning: The following may be detrimental to Mark Margulies' ego.)

Mark Marguiles is pissed. So what? I'm embarrassed to say that I took 10 minutes of my day to peruse through the whining and bitching of Mark's article "Way Off the Mark" in Radio and Production, October 1996 issue, all in a valid effort to find the point to his arcticle. Though buried in whimpering, it was there.......Account Executives need to PRESELL commercial production. Fine.

I am the senior Account Executive of two radio stations in Springfield, MO, KOSP/Oldies 105.1 and KKLH/Classic Hits 104.7. And, I'd like some ink, too, in response to "Way Off the Mark" (as Mark is!).

First, Mark, you are so full of yourself that you fail to take the crucial position of success....put yourself in OUR shoes before you judge. When's the last time YOU sold an annual to a difficult client? When's the last time YOU serviced a difficult client on an on-going basis? When's the last time YOU were rejected appointment after appointment? It's not as simple as you seem to think.

Admittedly, you have some good points. I agree...Account Executives SHOULD presell commercial production. Account Executives SHOULD have commercial copy pre-approved. Account Executives SHOULD believe in the commercial production that their production department puts out and stand strong. But, to accuse us of being order takers because a client wants to have a say in the commercial production that THEY are paying for is unfair. Account Executives in radio work just as hard as the production people. I don't want to do your job, and I doubt you'd want to do mine. In fact, I doubt either of us would enjoy, or even be GOOD at, the other's vocation.

Additionally, being a professional in broadcast sales amounts to much more than selling the glowing halo that the production department is most definately capable of producing. It's about selling strategies, campaigns, ideas, results, servicing, and, yes....keeping the client happy. And, as a professional in the industry I DO walk away from potential business when the client mandates a nebulous offer, or an ambiguous message. But, if the client doesn't go with my recommendations, I haven't earned their trust. Consequently, I haven't done my job as a marketing consultant. My professional reputation DOES NOT rest with whether or not I get client approval on commercial production without edits. My status as a professional rests with my recommendations and my clients' profitable return on investment as a result. Sorry, I've even had clients succeed even after editing copy! Oh no. What a crime.

And, don't minimize the power of a strong station/client relationship when you INVOLVE the client with their copy/production. If YOU are as good as YOU say you are....then YOU can train and coach our clients to air the pristine copy that YOU write. Besides, have you ever considered that you aren't the ONLY one with good ideas? I know it may come as a shocker, but a lot of good ideas come from clients. (I know. I know. It's tough on the ego, isn't it?)

I'd also like to mention that the attitude in your article sets us back many decades in the industry. The line between production and sales, though invisible, is felt by all in a broadcast property. And, if anyone takes you seriously, you have just rationalized why the line is there in the first place. At our property in Springfield, MO, we have worked too hard to achieve synergy between the departments to allow you to minimize those efforts.

In summary, I DO care if my clients like their production and it DOES matter. Account Executives are professionals by their OWN standards, not yours. If you don't want to be an Account Executive, don't judge one.

Have a great day!

Joi Mosbarger, Account Executive
KOSP/KKLH, Springfield, MO

Just received the latest RAP and was casually reading it as I munched on a Burger from the King.

The opening article on Youth Crisis certainly caught my 43 year old eyes and my 27 year old experiences in radio. I only hope my GM and other GMs of the world feel that way when my evaluation comes up. (Might even lay it on her desk.) Good insight Michael.

Additionally, I was on the floor laughing my posterior off from Don May's article and Top 9 list. I personally fell into too many categories as I continued to read thru his evaluation of Production Director traits. The truth can be funny, huh?

I showed the article on Peter Cutler to several of my fellow jocks who have either worked with Peter and Marice or are planning on having Peter cut their next demo with Marice's direction.

I did photocopy Mark's, Way Off The Mark, for my AEs to read and hopefully understand. I've had the magazine since Saturday and today is only Monday!!!!!!

This issue of RAP is one of those that you'll come back to time and time again as a reference book of valuable information. I do that regularly anyway. In fact, I have all of them in three hardbound 3-ring notebooks already to allow easy reference.

Thanks for another great issue. Now you'll have to excuse me, it's time to grab it again to catch up on the antics of Sterling and Dennis as I head for the Executive Restroom. (kinda of a ritual for most of us, ya know.)

Johnny George
93.1 WNAP/Classic Hits
Indianapolis, Indiana

Dear Johnny,

Glad you enjoyed the issue. We haven't heard from your salespeople yet. Are you sure they read Mark's column?



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