Congratulations Winners!

The ballots are in, and the votes have been counted! Please join us in congratulating the winners of the 6th Annual Radio And Production Awards!


WINNER: "Oklahoma City Tribute" from Brian Wilson/KPLX/KLIF, Dallas, Texas. Producer - Brian Wilson.
1st Runner-up: "T&A&E" from Craig Jackman/CHEZ-FM, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Producer - Craig Jackman; Copy Writer - Renaud Timson; Voice Talent - John Rogers
2nd Runner-up: "OJ Simpson Verdict" from Greg Murray/WMFS-FM, Memphis, Tennessee. Producer - Greg Murray; Voice Talent - news footage sound bites


WINNER: "Billboard of Cash/Doh!" from Scott Muller/3 FOX FM, Melbourne, Australia. Producer - Scott Muller; Copy Writer - Scott Muller; Voice Talent - David Bradshaw
1st Runner-up: "Talk Team/Hugh Grant" from Brian Wilson/KLIF-AM, Dallas, Texas. Producer - Brian Wilson; Copy Writer/Original Music - Brian Wilson; Voice Talent - Jim Cutler
2nd Runner-up: "Billboard of Cash" from Daryl Missen/B105FM, Brisbane, Australia. Producer - Daryl Missen; Copy Writer - Rob Logan; Voice Talents - Steve Britten, Ron E. Sparx, Cymone Rose


WINNER: "Terra Wildsiders/Piranha" from Robert Baird/CFNY-FM, Toronto, Canada. Producer - Jim McCourtie; Copy Writers - Jamie Watson, Robert Baird, Karen Fisher; Voice Talents - Jamie Watson, Robert Baird, Howard Glassman
1st Runner-up: "Pine Mountain Fire Logs" from Don Elliot/KFI/KOST, Los Angeles, California. Producers - Don Elliot, Gil Perez, Ray Avila; Copy Writers - Ray Avila, Don Elliot; Voice Talents - Karen Sharp, Don Elliot, Ray Avila
2nd Runner-up: "Future Rest Bedrooms" from David Jay/WIOQ-FM, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Producer - David Jay; Copy Writer - David Jay; Voice Talent - David Jay


WINNER: "Renaud Talks About..." from Craig Jackman/CHEZ-FM, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Producer - Craig Jackman; Copy Writer - Renaud Timson; Voice Talents - Renaud Timson, Jim Hurcomb, Paul Boucher
1st Runner-up: "WLZR AM 1340 Giveaway" from Willie Wells/WKLH-FM, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Producer - Willie Wells; Copy Writers - Scott Schubert, Keith Masters, Bob Madden, Brian Nelson; Voice Talents - Bob Madden, Brian Nelson, Sandy Thomas, Jeff Miller
2nd Runner-up: "Eagles, Hell Freezes Over" from Willie Wells/WKLH-FM, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Producer - Willie Wells; Copy Writers - Bob Bellini, Brad Wallace, Jim Cutler, Willie Wells; Voice Talent - Jim Cutler


WINNER: "Mike's Custom Taxidermy/Generations" from Dave Lee/WAMZ, Louisville, Kentucky. Producer - Dave Lee; Copy Writer - Dave Lee; Voice Talents - Brandon Young, Mel Young, Tony Tabor, Dave Lee
1st Runner-up: "Quick Photo/Prince in About an Hour" from Mark H. Plemmons/WOMG-FM, Columbia, South Carolina. Producer - Mark H. Plemmons; Copy Writer - Mark H. Plemmons; Voice Talents - Mark H. Plemmons, Tanya Roberts
2nd Runner-up: "Western Pleasure/'Real' Western Wear" from Jean F. Hetherington/KVOO/KICK, Tulsa, Oklahoma. Producer - Jean F. Hetherington; Copy Writer - Jean F. Hetherington; Voice Talent - Jean F. Hetherington


WINNER: "Plugged/Unplugged Weekend" from Ron Drew/WGIR-FM, Manchester, New Hampshire. Producer - Ron Drew; Copy Writer - Ron Drew; Voice Talents - Ron Drew, Nick Sommers
1st Runner-up (TIE): "Tempus Fugit" from Kathy Morgan/KOSP-FM, Springfield, Missouri. Producer - Kathy Morgan; Copy Writers - Kathy Morgan, Larry Krauck; Voice Talent - Jim Merkel
1st Runner-up (TIE): "Radio. It Works, Listen" from Jon Hogan/92.2XSFM, Manawatu, New Zealand. Producers - Jon Hogan, Tim Sommerville; Copy Writer - Jon Hogan; Voice Talents - Jon Hogan, Tim Hamlin
1st Runner-up (TIE): "Christmas Wish/Rhiannon" from Kathy Morgan/KOSP-FM, Springfield, Missouri. Producer - Roger Piper; Voice Talents - Summer Stevens, Jim Merkel
2nd Runner-up (TIE): "Halloween Bags" from Andy Capp/KELO Radio, Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Producer - Andy Capp. Copy Writer - Andy Capp; Voice Talents - Andy Capp, Suzanne Lynn
2nd Runner-up (TIE): "MIX 94.5 Night Mix/Tom Turkey" from Mary-Lynn Foster/WLRW, Champaign, Illinois. Producer - Mary-Lynn Foster; Copy Writer - Mary-Lynn Foster; Voice Talents - Mary-Lynn Foster, Mark Stinebring, Matt Bisby


WINNER: "Ants In Their Pants/Birthday Party Jingles" from Doug Jean/WLRW/WIXY, Champaign, Illinois. Producer - Doug Jean; Copy Writer - Doug Jean/Niki Miller; Voice Talents - Mary-Lynn Foster, Doug Jean, Jerome Ritchey, Kevin Powell, Jeff Corder
1st Runner-up: "Pikes Peak Acura/Traffic Lights" from Steve Garrett/KKCS/KIKX, Colorado Springs, Colorado. Producers - Steve Garrett, Pete May; Copy Writer - Steve Garrett; Voice Talents - Steve Garrett, Pete May
2nd Runner-up: "Montreal Mood/Montreal Convention & Tourism" from Mary Collins/WEZF-FM, Burlington, Vermont. Producer - Mary Collins; Copy Writer - Mary Collins; Voice Talents - Christine Adler, Ray Vasso


  • The R.A.P. Cassette - January 1997

    Production demo from interview subject, Eddy Temple Morris @ BBC Radio 1, London; plus more imaging, promos and commercials from Keith Smith @...