FIRSTCOM BROADCAST SERVICES adds six new CD titles into their Sound Designer II Production & Scoring Library. New CDs include Foreign Volume 3, Inter-Urban Volume 3, Novelty/Comedy Volume 2, Promo/Commercials Volume 3 and 4, and Underscores Volume 13. This brings the total CDs in the library to 36 with 24 slated for later release. Also, FirstCom has a freebie at NAB in LA this month! The first 250 demo viewers will get the Musi-Quick software, a $295 value. The software utilizes keywords to quickly search all the music from FirstCom's five production libraries. The software is available in both the PC Windows and MacIntosh platforms. For more info, call (214) 934-2222.

GMI MEDIA GROUP announces the release of their newest library, Lazer Impact Plus. The CD library features 110 new cuts plus ten classic cuts from the original Lazer Impact library. Check the ad below or call Leslie Erak at (206) 839-9414 for more information.

RADIO POTATO announces the release of the "new and expanded" Spud music production library. The 25 CD set features over 1000 tracks in :60 and :30 lengths. Shipping will begin later this month. The Potato is also bundling The Spud with Digital Ditties and The Whoosh & Zap Package for a special price for small markets. Members can check the Radio Potato newsletter in this issue, or call (800) GOT NUPIS for more info.

NETWORK MUSIC introduces the new Network Classical Library, 15 CDs featuring 30 of the great composers of 120 familiar classical melodies. Full length themes and broadcast edits are included! For more information call (800) 854-2075.

THE MUSIC BAKERY announces the release of CD number 17 in their buyout library. Each CD features a variety of styles in full length themes plus broadcast edits. Call for more information, (800) 229-0313.

AMERICAN MUSIC WORKS announces its open doors in Kansas City and now offers their production services throughout the midwest. The company, headed by Andy Mark, President of Philadelphia Music Works, and Neal James, a broadcast sales veteran, has over 6,000 music images for local, national, and regional advertisers in its arsenal. Call Andy Mark for more information, (800) 368-0033.


AKAI DIGITAL announces the DD1500 disk-based recording and editing system. The system will record to magneto optical disks and standard hard disks. A control panel brings many functions to familiar control surfaces, and an SVGA monitor can be added to provide a larger display. The system will support 16-track recording/editing with future expansion planned to add RAM-based sampling and a 16-channel real-time EQ option. Delivery dates and price are yet to be announced. For more info, contact James Martin at (817) 336-5114.

ARRAKIS SYSTEMS and WEGENER COMMUNICATIONS have announced an alliance which combines Arrakis' Gemini and DigiLink workstations with Wegener's ANCS and DR96 series MPEG-II digital audio receivers to create DISC (Digitally Integrated Satellite Control). DISC is the first integrated satellite point to multi-point radio distribution, storage, and production system which combines digital storage, playback operations, full-function editing, and production with addressable satellite network control and distribution. Call for info, (303) 224-2248.

HHB COMMUNICATIONS will show the new PortaDAT portable DAT recorders at the AES show next month. The PDR1000 is a 4-head, 4-motor DAT recorder with a ton of features. For more information call Independent Audio at (207) 773-2424.


Phil Thompson/KMAJ-AM/FM, Topeka, KS adds the Korg SoundLink to his production studio!

Congrats to Mark Erickson, formerly of WSNX/WMRR/WSFN, Grand Rapids, and the new Creative Director at WMUS, Grand Rapids! Mark also announces his new production company, Ranger Bob!! Productions!

After eight years of creating sweepers and promos for New York's HOT 97, Rick Allen leaves the station to concentrate on his own growing production company. Rick's main efforts will be directed toward his CD production library, Continuous Climax which is marketed by Radio Today. Congrats and good luck, Rick!

Tony Pepper lands at Hollywood Recording Services in Hollywood, CA as part of their engineering staff! The company produces audio for media with eight production rooms and three digital workstations! Kudos, Tony!

Remember a classified ad not too long ago offering $96,000 to the right person willing to head off to Singapore? Please, a round of applause for Mr. Robert C. Smith, the new Vice President of Creative Services for Lakoduk Media Management at the Singapore Broadcasting Corporation! Formerly with KFMU/Steamboat Springs, WZLX/Boston, and WHCN/Hartford, Robert now finds himself running ten studios. Three of them have DigiDesign digital workstations, there are four analog multi-track suites, including a 24-track room, and four dubbing suites!

Congrats also to Steve Schneider/WMGX-FM, Portland, ME on winning three Radio Creative Awards at the Maine Association of Broadcasters' annual conference last month. The station was awarded first and second place in the radio Self Promotion category and second place in the radio Retail category!

It doesn't happen very often, but once in a while, an opening for a production person can be found at one of the great radio stations in the country. Well, now is one of those times, and WEBN, Cincinnati is the place. Check out the classified ad below, cross your fingers, and hope you're one of the lucky ones to get into this legendary station. By the way, Joel Moss isn't going anywhere, so YES, another perk is that you get to work with the master!



  • The R.A.P. Cassette - April 1998

    Production demo from interview subject, John Masecar @ Mix 99.9 in Toronto; plus more promos, imaging and commercials from Daryl Missen/B105FM,...