We begin Side A with an awesome demo from Tom Sandman, subject of this month's interview. Crank it up! Cut 2 is the Pink Floyd promo Craig Jackman writes about in the Letters to the Editor section on page 16. Cut 3 is a teaser promo from Andy Capp that ran while the station decided what to do with the Billy Joel tickets they had to give away. We fill out Side A with more great promos and wrap it up with a couple of spoof spots.

Side B has another great selection of commercials. Cut 5 is a spot for a Conoco gas station that's also a car wash, pizza delivery joint, and one-hour photo shop. Honest! (Shades of Video Deli!) Daryl borrows a couple of clips from and earlier Cassette for cut 12. We wrap up side B with a spoof spot from the gang at CHEZ-FM followed by one more shot at Lorena Bobbit from WYMG-FM! Great work, folks!

And when you're through checking out this month's Cassette, grab a blank production order and fill it out with something like this: "Dub a great spot and/or a great promo for Radio And Production and get it in the mail within the next couple of weeks!" Yea, we know making a dub for RAP is just as time consuming as many other production orders you have to deal with. But, remember, there's nothing to put on The Cassette if you don't support it! Thanks!

Side A

Cut 1 - Demo from Tom Sandman/WRRM-FM, Cincinnati, OH
Cut 2 - "Pink Floyd Winners" - Jackman(p), Schutte(w), Giunta/Dean(v)/CHEZ-FM, Ottawa, Ontario
Cut 3 - "Billy Joel Tease" - Andy Capp/KELO-AM/FM, Sioux Falls, SD
Cut 4 - "Spaced Out Week" - J.Richards(w), B.James(v), M.Erickson(p)/WMRR-FM, Muskegon, MI
Cut 5 - "Cash Cow" - Bob Lawson(wp), Jim Merkel(v)/WJMK-FM, Chicago, IL
Cut 6 - "Contest Winners" - Paul M. Bahr(wpv)/WDEK-FM, DeKalb, IL
Cut 7 - "Roadie For A Day" - Roberts(w), Shaffer(p), Merkel(v)/WCOL-FM, Columbus, OH
Cut 8 - "2nd Chance Lotto" - Holly Buchanan/WMXB-FM, Richmond, VA
Cut 9 - "Politically Correct Barbie" spoof - John Bowen(wpv)/USA Radio Network, Dallas, TX
Cut 10 - "National Dumbnamics" spoof - Khlo Brateng(wpv), Shawn Brateng(v)/KYTE-FM, Newport, OR

Side B

Cut 1 - "Antler Bar & Grill" - Joi Mosbarger(wv), Dan Jacobs(vp)/KOSP-FM, Springfield, MO
Cut 2 - "Danny's East End Cafe" - Kurt W. Schenk(wpv)/WMAX-FM, Rochester, NY
Cut 3 - "American Door & Operator" - Jim Blommel(wpv)/WGRR-FM, Cincinnati, OH
Cut 4 - "B.B. McClains" - Brian Cooney(wpv)/WONE-FM, Akron, OH
Cut 5 - "Meyers Conoco" - Tommy J. Noles(p), Dan Leatherman(vw)/KBMX-FM, Osage Beach, MO
Cut 6 - "Fines Flowers" - Jackman(p), Timson(wv), Winter(v)/CHEZ-FM, Ottawa, Ontario
Cut 7 - "Club Fetish" - R.Kozel(w), S.Fairchild(v), M.Erickson(vp)/WMRR-FM, Muskegon, MI
Cut 8 - "Krown Rust" - Jennifer Murr/CFJR/X103.7, Brockville, Ontario
Cut 9 - "Realty Executives" - Kelly Wilson/WYMG-FM, Springfield, IL
Cut 10 - "Quality Dairy" - Dave Savage(wpv), Amber Winter(v)/WVIC-FM, Lansing, MI
Cut 11 - "Avenue C" - Jeff Berlin(wpv)/WXKS-FM, Boston, MA
Cut 12 - "HMV" - Daryl Missen/2DAY-FM, Sydney, Australia
Cut 13 - "Aroma" spoof - Youngs(p), Timson(w), Rogers/Navratil/Hartman(v)/CHEZ-FM, Ottawa, Ont.
Cut 14 - "Put Down the Knife, Lorena" - Hawkins(w), Wilson(wpmv), Anthony(wmp)/WYMG, Springfield, MO


  • The R.A.P. CD - November 2003

    Demo from interview subject, Chris Rice, KRXQ/KSEG, Sacramento, CA; plus imaging, commercials, and promos from Wayne Smith, C91.3, Campbelltown, NSW,...