We begin side A with an entertaining collection of work from George Robinson/WZGC-FM, subject of this month's interview. Cuts 2 and 3 come from Triple-M in Sydney. You might recall a couple of "Sex in Space" promos from 2DAY-FM on the Oct. '93 Cassette. The two cuts on this month's Cassette are for the promotion that inspired the promos from 2DAY-FM (read On The Cassette, page 13, Oct. '93 RAP for more info). Michael Jackson and John Bobbitt aren't spared this month. Cut 4 takes a poke at the pop king, and cut 5 has some fun with the Bobbitt story. We wrap up side A with an image promo from KELO-AM/FM. This is just one of several "story in a minute" promos the station did for the holiday season.

We have a surplus of promos on file, so we've put the usual dose of monthly commercials on hold until next month and filled up side B with more promos. Cut 4 is a great way to inform your audience of technical improvements made by your engineering department. There are lots of promos from oldies stations on this side. Cut 9 is another "Son of RAP" promo which was inspired by a cut on a previous Cassette. We wrap up the side with the audio portion of this month's Tips & Techniques section. Read the tip on page 14, then check out the audio on The Cassette. Thanks Craig!

Side A

Cut 1 - Demo from George Robinson/WZGC-FM, Atlanta, GA
Cut 2 - "Red Angel #1" - Jeff Thomas/Triple-M, Sydney, Australia
Cut 3 - "Red Angel #2" - Jeff Thomas/Triple-M, Sydney, Australia
Cut 4 - "Michael Jackson/Zoo" - John Pellegrini/WKLQ-FM, Grand Rapids, MI
Cut 5 - "John Bobbitt/Morning Show" - Brian Price(wpv), Gene Romano(w)/WDVE-FM, Pittsburgh, PA
Cut 6 - "Modern Rock" - Dalgleish(w), Harrington(p), Stinson/Jones(v)/CJOJ-FM, Belleville, Ontario
Cut 7 - "G. Gordon Liddy" - Troy Duran/KUKQ-AM/KUPD-FM, Phoenix, AZ
Cut 8 - "Sounds of the Season" - Andy Capp/KELO-AM/FM, Sioux Falls, SD

Side B

Cut 1 - "Beatles Canadian" - Jackman(p), Timson(w), Rogers/Colwill/Guinta(v)/CHEZ-FM, Ottawa, Ontario
Cut 2 - "Wham Bam Weekend" - Jeff Berlin(p), Mark Driscoll(v)/WXKS-FM, Boston, MA
Cut 3 - "KSHE Pool Party" - Ed Brown(wpv)/KSHE-FM, St. Louis, MO
Cut 4 - "Better Technology" - Chuck Diamond(wpv), Fred Merkel(v)/WKMQ-FM, Rockford, IL
Cut 5 - "Pearl Jam Road Trip" - Larry Whitt(p), Ryan Chase(v)/KRBE-FM, Houston, TX
Cut 6 - "Garth-mania" - Larry James(wp), Hoss Burns(v)/KLIF-AM/KPLX-FM, Dallas, TX
Cut 7 - "Treasure Hunt" - Holly Buchanan/WMXB-FM, Richmond, VA
Cut 8 - "Fan Jam" - David Straub(p), Randy Reeves(v)/WFMS-FM, Indianapolis, IN
Cut 9 - "We Got Your Guitars" - Dave Savage(p), Jim O'Brien(v)/WVIC-FM, Lansing, MI
Cut 10 - "104 Clothing" - Larry McFarland(wpv), Ron Rice(v)/WHTT-FM, Buffalo, NY
Cut 11 - "Superstars of the '60s" - T.McNeill(p), M.Kay(w), J.O'Brian(v)/WODJ-FM, Grand Rapids, MI
Cut 12 - "Mo-Town Weekend" - Bob Lawson/WJMK-FM, Chicago, IL
Cut 13 - "Back-erasing" demo (see Tips & Techniques, pg. 14) - Craig Rogers, WHO/KLYF, Des Moines, IA


  • The R.A.P. CD - May 2001

    Production demo from interview subject, Rich Conway, WCCC-FM, Hartford, CT; plus more R.A.P. Awards "Best of the Rest" from the Promo category...