Welcome to the July 2000 RAP Cassette! We begin Side A with an exceptional demo from this months interview subject, Keith Smith/KRTH, Los Angeles. Voices you'll hear on the demo include Charlie Van Dyke, the station voice, along with Bobby Ocean, Beau Weaver, Gary Owens, and Rick Chase. Turn it up! Cuts 2 through 8 offer more great commercial work from around the globe. Patrick O'Regan does a nice job of directing his 5-year-old son on cut 5. And cut 9 is another semi-finalist from this years RAP Awards Feature Production category. (If you found Tony Montana (Scarface) offensive, you might want to skip this one!) Side B is packed with promos some recent submissions and some from the archives, but all of it great work!

Side A

1. Keith Smith Demo, KRTH-FM, Los Angeles, California
2. Baja Spas/Shasta, Geoffrey Erb, E.R.B., Scottsdale, Arizona
3. Invision Eyeware, Darren Marlar, Marlar House Productions
4. Wholesale Sports, Mike Mlazgar, 100.3 The Bear, Edmonton, Alb., Canada
5. Future Kids, Patrick ORegan, Corks 96FM, Cork City, Ireland
6. Harvest Family Church, Rick Probst, WVFJ, Atlanta, Georgia
7. Springfield Floor Company, Kat Morgan, KOSP/KKLH, Springfield, Missouri
8. Burnside Liquidators, Gary Tredwell, Metroradio Group, Halifax, NS, Canada
9. Tony Montanas New Years Resolutions, Tom Alexander, WAFN, Miami, Florida

Side B

1. Hip Hop Rap Off Competition, Mike Wilcox, Triple J FM, Sydney, Australia
2. Star 102.7/All You Need, Randy Horvath, Vanilla Gorilla Productions, Houston, TX
3. KCWJ Info Line, Darren Marlar, Marlar House Productions
4. The Hearse R.I.P., Jim Hausfeld, WTUE-FM, Dayton, Ohio
5. KTRH/Traffic & Weather, Lonnie Perkins, Perkins & Co., Louisville, Kentucky
6. Bear Mail, Johnny George, Susquehanna Indianapolis
7. Artist of the Week, John Mangino, WFQX, Winchester, Virginia
8. Wheel of Fortune, Dan Kirkness, CHVR, Pembroke, Ont., Canada
9. Melencamp Flyaway, Jym Geraci, KSTP-FM, Minneapolis, Minnesota
10. Fabulous Phoenix 4th, Garry "D", KNIX-FM, Phoenix, Arizona
11. The Dems Call Rush, Matt Anthony, WTVN-AM, Columbus, Ohio
12. Ext. 720/Not Tonight Dear, Todd Manley, WGN, Chicago, Illinois
13. Rugby World Cup Image, James Stodd, Red Dragon FM, Cardiff, United Kingdom
14. Late and Live, Mark Bingham, BRMB, Birmingham, United Kingdom
15. Always Something Happening, Dermot ONeill, KFRC/KYCY, San Francisco, California
16. The Rock Feedback Line, Chris Wrapson, The Rock, Coventry, England
17. Fulmers Kids, Eric Bohlen, Dick Broadcasting, Knoxville, Tennessee


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