We kick off Side A with a demo from Paul Turner, subject of this month's interview. Cut 2 features some nice ProTools digital editing from Jeff Berlin/WXKS-FM (Side B, Cut 2 also). Cuts 3 and 4 from John Pellegrini and Scott Sundberg at WKLQ/Grand Rapids are some pretty funny promos for a broadcast school. We wrap up the side with a couple of sweeper montages from KNAC and Bumper Productions.

Side B is filled with some great commercials and then some. Geoffrey Erb/KNIX-FM provides a spoof spot on Cut 10. Cut 11 from Todd Richmond/WMPI-FM picked up an award for Most Humorous Commercial/Small Market Category in the recent Indiana Broadcasting Association's Spectrum Awards. Todd writes: When I was first given the order for this spot, I was told that the owner wanted to be in it. With that in mind, I wrote a spot that gave him several lines including some nice, long, complete sentences. It was after I turned in this copy that my Account Executive informed me that the owner had a speech impediment and would probably have some difficulty reading all those lines. Now I had a problem. However, I found a solution, oddly enough, in a spot I had done for the same company several months before. "Morty & Bud" walk in the store to look around. As Morty rapidly lists everything in the store, Bud tries in vain to cut him off. Almost the same applied with the commercial between myself and the business owner with him finally getting the last word at the end." We wrap up side B with cut 13, a parody from Kathy Morgan/WKMQ-FM who writes: "Chicago Bears" was produced in response to the local Bears affiliate breaking a long-standing tradition to drop the last game of the season in favor of the Packers. Oooh, what a hot debate 'round here!"

Side A

Cut 1 - Demo from Paul Turner/Paul Turner Productions, Philadelphia, PA
Cut 2 - "New Year's Eve Broadcast" - Jeff Berlin(wp)/Mark Driscoll(v)/WXKS-FM, Boston, MA
Cut 3 - "Upper Midwest Comm. Conclave #1" - J.Pellegrini(wpv)/S.Sundberg(wv)/WKLQ-FM, Grand Rapids, MI
Cut 4 - "Upper Midwest Comm. Conclave #2" - J.Pellegrini(wpv)/S.Sundberg(wv)/WKLQ-FM, Grand Rapids, MI
Cut 5 - "Grand Ole Opry" - Glenn Miller(wpv), Charlie Brown(wv)/KBFW-FM, Bellingham, WA
Cut 6 - "Christmas Parade" - D.Reed(wpv), T.Green/L.Wite(v)/WMHK-FM, Columbia, SC
Cut 7 - "Christmas Wish" - Steve Schneider/WMGX-FM, Portland, ME
Cut 8 - "Easy Money" - John Marshall(wpv)/WOMC-FM, Detroit, MI
Cut 9 - Sweepers from Stew Herrera/KNAC-FM, Long Beach, CA
Cut 10 - Sweepers from Bumper Morgan/Bumper Productions, Nashville, TN

Side B

Cut 1 - "Simmons Bed Center" - Lon Ray(wpv)/WLBC-AM/FM, Muncie, IN
Cut 2 - "Next" - Jeff Berlin(wpv)/WXKS-FM, Boston, MA
Cut 3 - "Red River Pet Center" - Sandra Moses(wpv), Gary Lawrence(v)/KKYR-FM, Texarkana, AR
Cut 4 - "Green Mountain Coffee" - Steve Schneider/WMGX-FM, Portland, ME
Cut 5 - "Rock Ministries Skatenight" - Dave Reed(wpv), Tom Green(v)/WMHK-FM, Columbia, SC
Cut 6 - "Davis Agency" - Jackman(pv), Timson(wv), Hurcomb/Azzarelo(v)/CHEZ-FM, Ottawa, Ontario
Cut 7 - "Nworbs Hobby House" - Ron Livingston(pv)/WHOK-FM/WLOH-AM, Lancaster, OH
Cut 8 - "Tent City" - Kurt Schenk(wpv), G.John/N.Nickson(v)/WMAX-FM, Rochester, NY
Cut 9 - "Golf Doggie Pro Shop" - Vito Gee(vpw)/WDEK-FM, DeKalb, IL
Cut 10 - "The Sound of Football" spoof - Geoffrey Erb(wpv)/KNIX-FM, Phoenix, AZ
Cut 11 - "Grand Rental Station" - Todd Richmond(wpv), Shawn Smith(v)/WMPI-FM, Scottsburg, IN
Cut 12 - "Bi-State Muffler" - M.Doran(vp), R.Sherman(v), A.Lynch(wv)/WXLP-FM, Davenport, IA
Cut 13 - "Chicago Bears" parody - Kathy Morgan(wp), Jim Mackey(w)/WKMQ-FM, Rockford, IL


  • The R.A.P. Cassette - February 1999

    Production demo from interview subject, Chris O'Brien, WYSP-FM, Philadelphia, PA; plus more promos, imaging and commercial work from Andrew Murdoch,...