THE PRODUCTION GARDEN announces four new additions to their CD music library. Volume 115 - Cool Tracks and Volume 116 - Holiday Tracks II contain broadcast length 60 and 30 second tracks. Volume 216 - Holiday Classics and Volume 217 - Spirit of Christmas contain theme length cuts. (512) 599-9439.

PROMUSIC INC. announces File Effects, a new sound effects library. The first of ten CDs is now available and contains ambient sounds (industry, city, weather, interiors, exteriors, animals, etc.) in 3-minute lengths. Disks may be purchased separately for $79 each, or the set of ten can be purchased at a discount price of $600. All tracks are recorded and edited in the digital domain using stereo mikes and a DAT recorder at 44.1kHz. (305) 776-2070.


If you love everything about the Denon CD Cart Players except the cartridge, you'll want to check out the new DENON DN-961FA. The drawer-loading CD player keeps some of the features of the earlier cartridge models, adds some new features, and eliminates the CD cartridge. Also from Denon, the TU-680NAB FM/AM Stereo Tuner. Developed in cooperation with the NAB, the TU-680NAB is fully compatible with "AMAX" AM standards. Other features include a Noise Blanking system that suppresses pulse-related noise on AM and eliminates MPX carrier leakage and blends high frequencies on FM, a C-Quam decoder for AM stereo in the Motorola format, 30-station memory presets, remote control, and more. (201) 575-7810.

If you liked our Test Drive of the Sony DTC-670 DAT last month but would rather have some "professional" features on your DAT deck, the RS-6700 from RADIO SYSTEMS is worth checking out. Radio Systems adds a lower chassis to the Sony deck to provide a number of features including EOM relay and cuing logic using the deck's Skip IDs, One-Button Record, large "broadcast" transport buttons, balanced XLR I/Os, a "fast start" mode, and a 10-button keypad that eliminates needing the remote control to cue to specific programs. $1,895 complete. (609) 467-8000.

ENSONIQ introduces the ASR-10 Advanced Sampling Workstation. The new sampling keyboard incorporates the company's new OTTO chip which provides many new features not found on previous keyboards. Features include 31-note polyphony, mono or stereo sampling, 2-meg memory expandable to 16-meg, up to 3 minutes of 44.1kHz mono sampling in the fully expanded machine, 24-bit on-board effects with 50 algorithms, 16-track sequencer, and more. A rack-mount version is planned for release early next year. Also available from Ensoniq, Triviatoons, a collection of MIDI sequences of popular TV show and movie themes. Three volumes are currently available which include favorites like I Love Lucy, Looney Tunes, Honey Mooners, Jeopardy, and The Munsters. Each disk contains five songs for the SD1 and VFX keyboards. (215) 647-3930, ext. 249.

TASCAM presents the LA-80 and LA-81 converters. The LA-80 converts eight channels of unbalanced RCA inputs to eight channels of XLR balanced outputs. The LA-81 converts eight balanced, XLR inputs to eight RCA un-balanced outputs. The LA-80 also functions as a distribution amplifier. (213) 726-0303.

CARVER has entered the CD recorder market with the PDR-10. The stand-alone unit lists for $8,500 and comes with digital and analog I/Os. (206) 775-1202.

APHEX introduces the new Aural Exciter Type C2 featuring Aphex's "Big Bottom" processing designed to enhance bass signals. (818) 767-2929.

TECHNICS is giving up ten free pre-recorded DCC tapes with the purchase of their new RS-DC10 DCC player/recorder which is now available throughout the U.S.. Suggested retail, $999.95. (Is that close to $1000.00?) (201) 348-7182.

OTARI has a new DAT machine. The DTR-90N features a removable front panel that doubles as a remote control. The 4-head deck offers numerous features for video syncing as well as an "instant start" feature. (415) 341-5900.


  • The R.A.P. Cassette - March 2000

    Finalists of the 2000 R.A.P. Awards, including audio from the winners: Stephen Mills, KPAM, Vancouver, WA; Kurt S. Kaniewski, Marion, OH; Monica Ballard,...