We begin this month's Cassette with a collection of promos from Ron Shapiro/KIIS-AM/FM, Los Angeles, which include a never-aired "Bustin' Out Saturday Night" promo put together with tracks from the classic Casey Kasem "dog dedication" outtake. Following Ron are three "comedic" legal ID's from Dennis Daniel as referred to in this month's Tales of the Tape column from Dennis. Rich Van Slyke also sent some legal ID's which feature Rich's synth & guitar work. Listen for a "promo song" from Ron Erak, and you'll enjoy the spoof from new subscriber and veteran producer, Bobby Ocean. Cut 7, "Earthquake Weekend" comes from Robin Luse/Q106.5 and was done on his new Dyaxis.

Side B kicks off with Susan Berkley's voice demo. We thank Susan for the tips in this month's feature article on making a great voice demo. Cut 3 features more synth work from Rich Van Slyke and is a definite ear grabber for an audio store. More musical production talents are featured on cut 5 from Frank Scales. The rest of side B is filled with more of the top notch writing and production we're getting very used to hearing on The Cassette! Gold stars for everyone!


Cut 1 - Montage from Ron Shapiro/KIIS-FM, Los Angeles, CA
Cut 2 - "Comedic" Legal ID #1 produced & directed by Dennis Daniel, written by Steve Morrison/WDRE, Long Island, NY
Cut 3 - "Comedic" Legal ID #2 produced & directed by Dennis Daniel, written by Steve Morrison/WDRE, Long Island, NY
Cut 4 - "Comedic" Legal ID #3 produced & directed by Dennis Daniel, written by Steve Morrison/WDRE, Long Island, NY
Cut 5 - Legal ID's from Rich Van Slyke/WCMF-FM, Rochester, NY
Cut 6 - "Rocktoria III" from Ross McIntyre/Q100.3, Victoria, British Columbia
Cut 7 - "Earthquake Weekend" from Robin Luse/WKBQ/Q106.5, St. Louis, MO
Cut 8 - "Charlie's Diner" promo song from Ron Erak/GRACE MEDIA for KUBE-FM, Seattle, WA
Cut 9 - "Doris & Morris" from Bobby Ocean/BOBBY OCEAN, INC., San Rafael, CA
Cut 10 - "Phrase That Pays" from Dave Dhillon/Q106, San Diego, CA


Cut 1 - Voice Demo from Susan Berkley/BERKLEY PRODUCTIONS, New York, NY
Cut 2 - "Star Motors" from Greg Williams, Lisa Frith, & Mark Mitchell/WAFX-FM, Norfolk, VA
Cut 3 - "Applied Audio" from Rich Van Slyke/WCMF-FM, Rochester, NY
Cut 4 - "Rock Lobster" from Tony Pepper/KFMB/B100, San Diego, CA
Cut 5 - "Laff Stop" (donut) from Frank Scales, Chris Bonno, & Angela Davis/B93, Austin, TX
Cut 6 - "The Entertainer" from Ross McIntyre/Q100.3, Victoria, British Columbia
Cut 7 - "Dancing Mermaid Restaurant" from Craig Jackman/CHEZ-FM, Ottawa, Canada
Cut 8 - "Astroworld" from Larry Whitt/Power 104, Houston, TX
Cut 9 - "SoundShops/ZZ Top" from Glenn Miller/WKDF-FM, Nashville, TN
Cut 10 - "Benaton" from Keith Eubanks/Power 99, Atlanta, GA
Cut 11 - "B.B. McLains" from Chuck Collins/WKDD/WSLR, Akron, OH
Cut 12 - "Dyer Electronics" from Jay Richards/KLLL-FM, Lubbock, TX
Cut 13 - "Seattle Comedy Competition" from Carl Palmer/KZOK-FM, Seattle, WA
Cut 14 - "Fultron Car Stereos" from Don Lawler/AIRBORNE RADIO, Memphis, TN
