What? No library news this month? Yes, it seems things are a little quiet on this front, but there are a couple of rumors flying around. The word isn't definite, but it looks like PHILADELPHIA MUSIC WORKS will have their new library ready for release next month. It's called No Wimps and word is that it is one CD filled with around 60 different sixty-second music beds at a very attractive price.

We finally got our hands on a demo of the yet to be released library, Attitude, from TOBY ARNOLD AND ASSOCIATES. The demo was passed out at the NAB Convention in Boston, and, judging from the cuts on the demo, this library smokes. The release date is still not definite but is still slated for this fall.

One more rumor has it that WARM LANE MUSIC will be slashing the price of their first library, Music In Motion, to $50 for the urban flavored, one CD set of music beds. It's another closeout sale! The company is also getting into the jingle ID biz.

Attention production library companies! We really don't like spreading rumors. Please send us the facts on our new fax line, (214) 259-1912. Is your new library ready? Let us know. Do you have some new updates for existing libraries? Let us know.


ART announces their latest piece, the MDC 2001 Stereo Compressor/Limiter/De-esser/Exciter/Expander/Gate. Whew! Listing at $499, the analog processor boasts a frequency response of 16Hz to 28kHz, balanced ins and outs, and a signal-to-noise ratio of 106dBv. We'll put this one to the test soon. (716) 436-2720.

Speaking of compressors, DBX has a new one, the 160¬XT Compressor/¬Limiter. This is the new and improved version of the popular 160X. (415) 351¬3500.

TASCAM has two new mixers, the M-1016 and the M-1024. The M-1016 is a rack-mount mixer with eight mono channels and four stereo channels. The M-1024 is not a rack-mount mixer and it features sixteen mono channels and four stereo channels. List prices are $1,299 and $1,899. (213) 726-0303.

TANNOY has some new studio monitor speaker systems: The System 2 NFM, System 8 NFM, System 10 DMT, System 12 DMT, System 15 DMT, and the System 215 DMT. Prices range from $550 a pair to $5,500 a pair. (519) 745-1158.


HALLAND BROADCAST SERVICES, creator of the CD series, Rock 'N' Roll Graffiti (mentioned in last month's MIX section) announces that The Music Director Programming Service will be sub-distributor for the library of oldies from the 50's and 60's. (413) 783-4626.

Production Director Thom Streich of WBEN-AM/WMJQ-FM, Buffalo adds the Studer Dyaxis to the production room. With the use of DAT machines, production now stays digital until it hits the carts. Want to chat with Thom? Call WBEN/WMJQ at (716) 874-4410.

Joel Moss/WEBN, Cincinnati adds DBX to their Otari MX-70 8-track and MCI 4-track. Also new to the room are the Tascam CD-701 CD player (with looping chip) and Eventide's H3000B. Joel also adds the Sound Ideas/Lucasfilm SFX library and Brown Bag's Weapons package to their arsenal.

Dave Gariano replaces Joe Kelly as Chief Executive Officer of CHICAGO AV, INC. and Creative Director for the firm's SuperSpots division. (312) 645-8309.

Radio humor "hit-men" Laszlo & Gary have two more parodies. The first transfers "Romeo" by Dino into "Burger & Fries To Go," and the second parody takes M.C. Hammer's "Have You Seen Her," and twists it into "She Took Me to the Cleaners." Want a copy? Call (818) 888-0652.


  • The R.A.P. Cassette - July 1993

    Production sampler from interview subject Holly Buchanan while at WMXB/Richmond, plus promos, imaging and spots from Larry Whitt @ KRBE/Houston, Tom...