As you may have noticed already, only a handful of people are featured on this month's Cassette. This is not because of a lack of tapes sent in. In fact, since last month's Cassette was a "best of," there were a lot of tapes to choose from; but there were also some long pieces and a couple of collages that deserved a spot on The Cassette. So, just for the heck of it, this month's Cassette features these long pieces. For those of you who sent in tapes last month, wait until next month to send in more work. Those who didn't get anything to us last month are encouraged to send a promo and a spot this month. The March Cassette WILL follow the usual format you're used to. We hope you like this little change of pace!

Side A: Promos & Stuff

Cut 1:This is a composite of work from Don Elliott, this month's interviewee. It opens with some voice work from Don. Listen for a classic promo aired for the birth of KIIS-FM (the Wedding Promo), along with a couple more promos produced by Don while at KIIS. The composite winds up with some song parodies from Don Elliott Creative Services. A note on "Bad Attitude": All celebrity voices are impersonations done by local talent. (Celebrity parts were done to a click track and added to the music later!) All parodies were produced from scratch.

Cut 2 -"Y107: '89 In Review" from Bumper Morgan/Y107, Nashville, TN. (Listen for Bumper's new baby boy Christopher on one of the promos -- Barely born and alr eady "on the air!"

Cut 3 - "End of a Decade Review" from Chuck Collins/WKDD-FM & WSLR-AM, Akron, OH. Well done, Chuck!

Cut 4 - "Talk Show" promos from Johnny Donovan/WABC-AM, New York, NY. How do you promote a talk show? Johnny Donovan shows us how!

Side B: Commercials & Stuff

Cuts 1-5 - These five spots come from Dennis Daniel (WBAB, Babylon, NY) and partner Steve Morrison. Dennis gave us this month's "Production Stress Anxiety" article. He has entered these five spots along with five others in this year's Clio competition. Good luck, Dennis!

1) Car Tunes - "Joe Blowfish"
2) Dr. Charles Ross - "Legend of Doc Ross"
3) Car Tunes - "Bloblardo"
4) Car Tunes - "Dumb Turtles"
5) Car Tunes - "I'll Be Back"

Cut 6 - This is a segment of a presentation prepared by Rich Van Slyke and Kato (morning show producer) at WKSE-FM/Kiss 98.5 in Buffalo, NY. The presentation was produced for the sole purpose of selling WKSE's corporate executives on a proposed budget. Rich did the blues tune at the end with the help of his new Roland W-30 Workstation and a guitar. Rich didn't tell us whether or not the budget was approved, but with an audio presentation like this, it would have been hard for the bosses to say no!

Cut 7 - This collection of work comes from the only television station on our subscriber list, WFAA-TV Channel 8, Dallas, TX. Wally Wawro gives us a sample of his well-produced television audio. He also reminds us that there is plenty of freelance money to be made producing television audio. Check out some of the local promos on your local TV stations. Do they need help? Maybe they're just waiting for your call. Wally said he'd be glad to speak with anyone about pursuing this freelance money. Give him a call: (214) 977-6260.

Cut 8 - Finally (with one minute left on side B), Joel Moss provides some comic relief with "Leather Scout." January brings a few avails to WEBN in Cincinnati, and Joel fills them with spoof spots like this one.

This marks the 13th consecutive Cassette. Thanks to everyone who has supported it and continues to do so. Our hats are off to each of you for making The Cassette a collection of the most creative work being done in radio today. As always, The Cassette is YOURS -- You create it with your support; we just mail it!


  • The R.A.P. CD - June 2003

    Demo from interview subject, Chris O'Brien at WMWX-FM, Philadelphia, PA; plus beat-mixing audio from Dave Foxx, and promos and commercials from Sean...