REEL GOOD PRODUCTIONS in Minneapolis announced the release of a new two CD library called Cleen Sweepers. You get 200 tracks of sweeper effects and mixed sweeper beds. The library is targeted to adult formats including A/C, country, classic hits and news/talk. A one year lease is $395 for top 100 markets, and initial orders include a free voice-over offer. (800) 800-REEL.

By now, you've heard about the CENTURY 21 merger with TM Communications. The company's new name is TM CENTURY, INC., and they're offering quite an attractive 3-for-1 deal on the libraries from both companies. There are nine to choose from! (See ad in this issue.) The word is they're clearing the shelves for something big to be offered in the spring. (800) 879-2100.

PROMUSIC of Ft. Lauderdale announces Broadcast Plus, a production music library targeted to radio/TV which can be customized in size and content from their collection of some 250 CD's. (800) 322-7879.

NETWORK's latest production library release is World Beat (Vol. 90 - Specialty) featuring eight cuts of internationally flavored contemporary music. The company has also recently moved to a larger facility in San Diego and has entered into an agreement with a Dutch corporation for the distribution of their libraries throughout seventeen European countries. (800) 854-2075.


HENRY ENGINEERING announces the new Micromixer, a compact four-input, two-output stereo utility mixer. It will accept four line level inputs and combine them to a stereo output. Each input has a level control and a switch to assign the input to the left, right, or both outputs. (818) 355-3656.

E-MU SYSTEMS announces the release of the Proteus/1 Orchestral Expansion Kit for Proteus/1 owners. The 4 meg expansion doubles the sound memory in the Proteus to 8 megs and includes sounds from the Proteus/2 plus forty-six additional waveforms. Also, all Emax II's now come standard with stereo sampling at no extra charge, and E-mu has doubled the RAM of the Turbo Emax II's to 8 megs at no charge. Rack and keyboard 4 meg versions of the Emax II have been reduced by $400 and all 2 meg expansion kits are cut 42%. (408) 438-1921.

Cassette users might take an interest in the Audio Tape Fixer for $30. It's designed to ease the pain of repairing cassette tapes. (800) 289-0111.

SHURE has a new stereo mike. The VP88 offers three stereo images as well as outputs for an individual "middle" image and the common figure eight spread. Yours for a grand. (800) 257-4873.

SONIC SOLUTIONS of San Francisco has entered the radio market for disk-based digital workstations with their Sonic Mini Editing System. The scaled down version of their Sonic System is a 2-track, 16-bit system that comes in at just under nine grand. Add a hard disk and a Macintosh II computer to complete the system with over 80 minutes of recording time and the price hovers around $20,000. (415) 394-8100.

Congrats to Eventide, winner of the 1990 TEC Award for Outstanding Technical Achievement in the Signal Processing Technology category with their H3000SE Ultra Harmonizer. AKAI picks up the same award for their A-DAM system in the Recording Devices/Storage Technology category.


Attention freelancers! How about a one-day seminar called Techniques for Collecting Accounts Receivable? Dallas, December 12. Seattle, January 9. Phoenix, January 11. Austin, January 16. Houston, February 20. Portland, March 11. Salt Lake City, March 12. Denver, April 17. (802) 757-2391.

Susan Berkeley's next Voice-Over Seminars are in LA and New York.

Rick Allen (Hot 97, New York) loves his new AKG DSE-7000. Bye bye Synclavier! Also recently adding the DSE-7000 to the production room is WOKY/WMIL in Milwaukee.

Stacy Tucker is the new Production Director at KQMJ-FM in Tulsa.

John Reilly exits WIYY-FM, Baltimore for the Production Director's gig at WBCN in Boston replacing long time Production Director Tom Sandman who is now WBOS's new Program Director.

Subscriber Gregg Buickel is out of WPRW-AM in Manassas, VA to take the Program Director duties at WJMA-AM in Orange, VA.


  • The R.A.P. CD - April 2002

    Production demo from interview subject Jeff Schmidt, KFOG-FM, San Francisco, CA; plus the 2002 R.A.P. Awards "Best of the Rest" Part 1 featuring work...