THE PRODUCTION GROUP introduces their new promo production library, Shock Wave. Over 300 cuts on two CD's. See ad in this issue for more info. (It's kind of hard to miss...) (800) 333-4534.

WARM LANE MUSIC announces the release of their second library, Music In Motion. One CD with over seventy :60 and :30 urban flavored commercial/promo beds. See ad on page 5. (312) 928-2029.

NETWORK adds volume 88, Breakin' Away to their growing library. (800) 854-2075.

SIGNATURE MUSIC, better known in the A/V world, has expanded their library to 126 themes on nine CD's and now offers :60 and :30 edits aimed at radio production. See The Signature Beat insert in this issue for more info. (800) 888-7151.

O'CONNOR CREATIVE SERVICES has cut the price of their 10 CD, full service library in half. The Apple features commercial music, promo tracks, holiday and novelty tracks, plus sound effects and more. (800) 544-6044.


ALPHA AUDIO has an attractive pair with their DR-2 Digital Disk Recorder and DR-2 Edit Controller. The hard disk based recorder features up to 60 minutes of full bandwidth stereo recording. The Edit Controller, utilizing standard tape recorder type controls, offers a short learning curve, an auto-locator with 256 locate points, non-destructive cut and paste editing, and a "jog knob" for "rocking the reels." We'll try to put this one to the Test soon. (804) 358-3852.

Attention club jocks and mix masters: NUMARK ELECTRONICS has introduced your dream machine. The CD6020 is the first CD player to feature dual CD drive transports in a single unit allowing jocks to mix two CD's from a single player. The kickers are Numark's patented Beat Sync and Integrate functions which automatically match the beats of two CD's and execute the fade from one to the other. $1995. (201) 225-3222.

VALLEY INTERNATIONAL is now delivering the PR-2A and PR-10A Powered Racks designed to accommodate up to ten 800 Series signal processors. Features include improved RFI and electromagnetic shielding plus XLR connectors as the standard interface. The PR-2A holds one or two modules and occupies one rack space, the PR-10A holds up to ten modules and uses three rack spaces. (615) 370-5901.

ENSONIQ has released a rack mount version of the SQ-1 synthesizer called the SQ-R. It's minus the sequencer but maintains the sound structure of the SQ-1, which is a scaled down version of the voice architecture of the popular VFX. (215) 647-3930.

At the world's largest consumer electronics show, held in Chicago earlier this summer, Technics and Sony announced their introduction of R-DAT players to the U.S. consumer market. Shipments have already begun and prices are around the $1000 mark, but a spokesman for Technics said this price is expected to drop rapidly as the market grows and production expands much in the same way prices dropped on CD players shortly after their introduction.


Kevin Casey leaves KGMG, San Diego to do mornings at KGFX in Fresno. Last word has it that KGMG is still looking for a Production Director to fill the slot.

Greg Williams lands the Production Director's position at WAFX, Norfolk.

John W. Cone replaces John Willyard as Production Director at WSTR-FM, Atlanta. Willyard moves to Chicago and joins Joe Kelly Creative Services.

Ric Stratton exits KDLX-AM, St. George, UT for Production Director slot at KVVQ-FM, Hesperia, CA.

Keith Eubanks promoted from overnights earlier this summer to assume Production Director's duties at Power 99, Atlanta.

Tee Vee Toons Productions in conjunction with Sullivan Productions, Inc. has announced that the very best performances from the 1,000-hour Ed Sullivan Show archives will be released for the first time in a 10-volume set of records. The shows are currently being transferred from the original masters to DAT using a Panasonic SV-3500. The DAT tapes will then be processed using the Sonic Solutions digital processing system before the new masters are made. (201) 348-7183.

Laszlo & Gary have a new parody, "Snack by Snack (Got a Junk Food Attack)," a satire of "Step by Step" by New Kids on the Block. If we have the space, we'll share it with you on The Cassette, otherwise, get it from Laszlo & Gary at (818) 888-0652.

You may remember our interview with Sandy Thomas last fall (11/89). His sweeper/ID business, Sandy Thomas Productions, is just under a year old now, and just as we guessed, it's growing. New stations to sign Sandy are WBLM in Portland and Love 94 in Miami. Sandy announces an upcoming new sweeper/ID package targeted to the NAC/Jazz format. Listen for some of his work on The Cassette. (305) 654-9494.

The SBE Convention/Broadcast Engineering Conference is slated for October 4-7 in St. Louis. Don't break anything that week; your engineers might not be around to fix it! (317) 842-0394.

Mr. Radio's Creative Productions-Aircheck Division is now looking for radio folks to "roll tape" on radio stations in their market. They need airchecks! For info, call (904) 788-4678, or write, Stephen Springfield, President, Mr. Radio's Creative Productions, P.O. Box 3494, Daytona Beach, FL 32118-0494.

K101-FM, San Francisco signs Dallas/Tulsa based Rick Hull as primary voice for promos/sweepers. (918) 254-0464.

Finally, we'd like to pass on a special hello to the troops at Dan O'Days Air Personality Plus+ Seminar being held this month in Cincinnati, and a special thanks to Dan for inviting us to "share the RAP" with his attendants! Question: What's better than a great jock? Answer: A great jock with great production skills! ♦



  • The R.A.P. CD - June 2001

    Production demo from interview subject, Lou Kastler, Journal Broadcast Group, Omaha, NE; plus more R.A.P. Awards "Best of the Rest" from the Feature...