Advertising CopywriterBy Lee Rugen

Wordsmith. That's what I call myself. I like the sound of that. A craftsman. A communicator. I believe that’s what we are. I mean, that’s what this industry is all about, right?

Unfortunately, that is not always apparent. It seems that in recent years, in our rush to getting something – anything – on the air quickly, we sacrifice quality for speed. And often, it’s not really necessary. The real writing, the effective communication, has taken a back seat to things like cost-saving measures, poor planning, and giving in to whatever the client wants. Even if it hurts the client's image. And our image.

At times we've been told that it doesn't matter how the message gets out there – it just needs to be done as quickly as possible. The content and potential effectiveness of the project are to take a back seat to speed. That might mean entrusting the task to the lowest bidder. Or someone who is not a proficient communicator. The end product? A simplistic message that sounds like every other spot on the air.

A wordsmith is more than someone who simply writes copy. We are like a blacksmith who crafts a common hunk of metal. They mold it, shape it, and refine it to become something beautiful and useful. And they take pride in their work.

We too, mold, shape, and refine a message that needs to be broadcast. But this is more than a matter of personal pride. A good writer doesn’t manipulate the listener. An experienced communicator doesn't yell at them. No, a wordsmith attempts to touch the heart. We want to take the listener to a place they never expected, so they are compelled to act. The recipe for that includes experience, knowledge, finesse… and care. You have to believe that the message that you're conveying is critical to improve the life of those who hear it.

A craftsman is also always learning. They are constantly trying to improve and push the creative boundaries. We strive to produce the best product possible, and don't rest on our laurels.

Now don’t get me wrong, there are times when it's necessary to alter the creative masterpiece that we originally had in mind. There are no guarantees that we always have the time or resources we'd like to produce the ultimate message. But just like the blacksmith, we shouldn't sacrifice quality to meet ridiculous deadlines.

So what do we do? We don't give up. We don't throw in the towel. We strive to create the best product possible with the resources that we have at our disposal. We've been told that “content is king.” But we need to insist that superior content will be our objective.

And if you work with a wordsmith, please communicate with them the moment a project is conceived. Include them in the process. Support them. Give them as much time and resources as possible to practice their craft. I assure you that these craftsmen will work their hardest to deliver an effective message that will deliver for you and the client.

Wordsmith. a person who works with words; especially :  a skillful writer. Yes, that's my job, and I'm proud of it.

Lee Rugen is Senior Producer / Network Production Services and Morning Show Content Producer for Moody Radio Network in Chicago, IL. He welcomes your correspondence at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..



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