RAP CD logo 2Welcome to the September 2014 R.A.P. CD! We get started with an awesome selection of work from this month’s interview subject, Jeff Schmidt. Here’s a listing of what you’ll hear: San Francisco 49ers NFC Title Game Hype Piece; Queen Front Row Promo; Papa & Lund Live From Super Bowl Promo; Adventures of Killer Cash Finale Promo; AM vs FM Sports Radio - Too Hip Promo; ALDS Title Game 5 Exorcism Promo; and US vs Germany World Cup - Don't Hate America Promo. Next up is audio from Dave Foxx for this month’s Production 212 column.

The rest of the CD is filled with entries for the Produce Dave Foxx 2 competition! Our thanks to each of you for participating! Dave will announce the winner next month in his column, and we’ll feature the top 3 promos once again on the October CD.

1. Sampler from Jeff Schmidt, Entercom, San Francisco, CA, jeff[at]jeff-schmidt.com
2. Production 212: Produce Dave Foxx 2 VO track, Dave Foxx, Z100, New York, NY, davefoxx[at]clearchannel.com
3. Produce Dave Foxx 2 – Gary McClenaghan, Bell Media, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, gary.mcclenaghan[at]bellmedia.ca
4. Produce Dave Foxx 2 – Rob Garcia, Equity Communications, Atlantic City, New Jersey, rgarcia[at]equitycommunications.net
5. Produce Dave Foxx 2 – Doug Miller, WSTR-FM/WQXI-AM, Atlanta, Georgia, doug.miller[at]lincolnfinancialmedia.com
6. Produce Dave Foxx 2 – Gendron Michael, NRJ Radio, Quebec City, Canada, michael.gendron[at]ccapcable.com
7. Produce Dave Foxx 2 – J. Boles, KETX Radio, Childress, Texas, igniteboles[at]gmail.com
8. Produce Dave Foxx 2 – Anthony Pena, Grupo Medrano, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, anthonyproductions[at]gmail.com
9. Produce Dave Foxx 2 – Ronnie Kohrt, Northeast Broadcasting, Burlington, Vermont, ronkohrt[at]gmail.com
10. Produce Dave Foxx 2 – Romain Froger, Montreal, Canada, romainfroger[at]free.fr
11. Produce Dave Foxx 2 – Rick Harrington, Quinte Broadcasting, Belleville, Ontario, Canada, production[at]cjbq.com
12. Produce Dave Foxx 2 – Brodie Green, Southern Cross Austereo, Bunbury, Western Australia, Brodie.green[at]sca.com.au
13. Produce Dave Foxx 2 – Achilles Concepcion, Arctic Radio, Thompson, Manitoba, Canada, Achilles_concepcion[at]hotmail.com
14. Produce Dave Foxx 2 – Matt Innes, Southern Cross Austereo, Broadbeach, QLD, Australia, matt.innes[at]sca.com.au
15. Produce Dave Foxx 2 – Karlovits Karlo Zsolt, karlo[at]karloproduction.com
16. Produce Dave Foxx 2 – Brent Hatcher, KILO/KRXP, Colorado Springs, Colorado, brent_h[at]kilo943.com
17. Produce Dave Foxx 2 – Albert To, Harvard Broadcasting, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, albert.mkto[at]gmail.com
18. Produce Dave Foxx 2 – Suzan Goritz, Jim Pattison Broadcast Group, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, sgoritz[at]jpbg.ca
19. Produce Dave Foxx 2 – Tim Hammond, Southern Cross Austereo, Bunbury, Western Australia, tim.hammond[at]sca.com.au
20. Produce Dave Foxx 2 – Jeremy DeRaadt, Jeremy[at]juicedaudio.ca
21. Produce Dave Foxx 2 – Matthew Redmond, Southern Cross Austereo, Bunbury, Western Australia, matthew.redmond[at]sca.com.au
22. Produce Dave Foxx 2 – Michel Orthier, Breakout4u.com, info[at]breakout4u.eu
23. Produce Dave Foxx 2 – Raymond Camphu, LA Radio Group, Red Deer, Alberta, Canada, rcamphu[at]yahoo.com
24. Produce Dave Foxx 2 – John Pallarino, rinocreativeimaging.net, johnpallarino[at]gmail.com
25. Produce Dave Foxx 2 – Jay Helmus, jayhelmus.com, jayhelmus[at]gmail.com
26. Produce Dave Foxx 2 – DJ Andrew Smooth, djasmooth1[at]gmail.com
27. Produce Dave Foxx 2 – Francois Paquin, Quebec City, Canada, fpaquin[at]radiox.com
28. Produce Dave Foxx 2 – Aleksander Lilleoien, SBS Discovery Radio, Norway, aleksander.lilleoien[at]cep.no


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