RAP-CD-logo-2Welcome to the July 2014 R.A.P. CD! We kick things off with this month’s Editor’s Choice Award winner, a well-done piece for Father’s Day from George Johnson. This is a poem George wrote, voiced and produced, about his father, who was a news photographer for the Associated Press. Visit rapmag.com for more notes from George about this wonderful tribute. Next up is audio from this month’s interview subject, Ron Tarrant, which opens with his two RAP Awards winners, the “Wham Bam Wrap Up” promo and the “Kiss 102.7 Station Launch” Feature Production. Dave Foxx’s Production 212 audio is on track 3. Promos are on tracks 4-10, and commercials are on tracks 11-18, starting with a spot from Langley Gerrard with an interesting way to grab the listener’s attention. Track 19 is a D-Day anniversary montage from Colin McGinness which aired across all UKRD stations. And we wrap it up with a special treat from our interview subject, Ron Tarrant – this is a song from his band Lost In Film!

1. ECA Winner: The Photo Journalist, George Johnson, Voicebox Productions, Edmonds, Washington, blabbermouth[at]frontier.com
2. Ron Tarrant Demo, Kiss 92.5, Toronto, Ont., Canada,PureProduction[at]live.ca
3. Production 212 Audio, Dave Foxx, Z100, New York, NY, davefoxx[at]clearchannel.com
4. MD Offer, Langley Gerrard, UKRD, Bristol, United Kingdom, langley.gerrard[at]ukrd.com
5. Kiss Music Promo – Magic Sam Smith Jason Derulo, Jamie Montgomery, Rogers Radio, Ottawa, Ont. Canada
6. Gerry Forbes Million Dollar Open, Gary McClenaghan, Bell Media, Edmonton, Alb., Canada, gary.mcclenaghan[at]bellmedia.ca
7. Gods of Glastonbury, Adam Venton, UKRD, Bristol, United Kingdom, adam.venton[at]ukrd.com
8. Grey Cup Lodge Promo, Ryan Spooner/Stephen Ball, Rock 105.3, Medicine Hat, Alb., Canada, ryan.spooner[at]rci.rogers.com
9. WYNZ Beatles Weekend Promo, Steve Cook, Audio Oven, steve[at]audiooven.com
10. Avenged 7, Cameron Wendt, Bell Media, Fort St. John, BC, Canada, cameron.wendt[at]bellmedia.ca
11. Culdrose Air Day-Mission Message, Langley Gerrard, UKRD, Bristol, United Kingdom, langley.gerrard[at]ukrd.com
12. Simply Specticals – Bog Off to Simply Specticals, Tim Hammond, Southern Cross Austereo, Bunbury, WA, Australia, Tim.Hammond[at]sca.com.au
13. Prime Industrial Products, Matthew Redmond, Southern Cross Austereo, Bunbury, WA, Australia, Matthew.Redmond[at]sca.com.au
14. Imported Car Service – Battery, Rod Schwartz, Grace Broadcast Sales, rod[at]gracebroadcast.com
15. Aquariums by Design – The Pond, Mike Vuckovich, 105.3 KOOL-FM / 99.5 KFUN, Kitchener-Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, mike.vuckovich[at]bellmedia.ca
16. Jackson Dodge – Quarterback, Ryan Spooner/Stephen Ball, Rock 105.3, Medicine Hat, Alb., Canada, ryan.spooner[at]rci.rogers.com
17. New Era Contracting, Cameron Wendt, (formerly at) Newcap Radio, Alb., Canada
18. Platform 5 0 All Aboard Sunday Lunch, Tom Ellis, UKRD, Bristol, United Kingdom, tom.ellis[at]ukrd.com
19. D-Day 70th Anniversary Montage, Colin McGinness, UKRD, Bristol, United Kingdom, colin.mcginness[at]ukrd.com
20. We’re Older Now, Lost In Film (Ron Tarrant), Toronto, Ont., Canada,PureProduction[at]live.ca


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