RAP-CD-logo-2Welcome to the June 2013 R.A.P. CD as we get back to our regular format following the R.A.P. Awards presentations the past three months. First up is this month's Editor's Choice Award winner, a song mash-up from Chris Pottage done for their Kiss 92.5 Wham Bam Concert last year. Unfortunately, the mash-up didn't air due to a change in the line-up, but we're giving it some shine this month! Next up is an awesome collection of work from this month's interview subject, Jesse Simon, who picked up a couple of R.A.P. Awards trophies in the Medium Market Promos category. The two promos are featured once again at the beginning of the montage. Audio for Dave Foxx's Production 212 column is on track 3. Tracks 4 and 5 come from the folks at Benztown. These are the two finalists for their recent Iron Imager contest, which Dan Kelly won with his piece on track 4. Tough decision! Promos are on tracks 6-12. Track 10, from Alan Peterson, is an imaging montage done for a Part 15 license-free short-range AM microbroadcaster in Springfield, Virginia. Alan notes: "At 1/10th of a watt, they are no threat to the commercial stations in Washington DC, and half the signal is beamed into the woods where no one's listening. Rather than be encumbered by these shortcomings, the imaging plays it up and has fun with it. There is a lot of wink-wink-nudge-nudge going on here." Commercials wrap it up on tracks 13-20.

1. ►ECA Winner: KISS 92.5 Wham Bam Artist Mashup, Chris Pottage, Rogers Radio, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, cpottage[at]rci.rogers.com
2. Jesse Simon audio sampler, Jesse Simon, Rogers Radio, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, jesse.simon[at]rci.rogers.com
3. Production 212 audio, Dave Foxx, Z100, New York, NY, davefoxx[at]clearchannel.com
4. Iron Imager Finalist #1, Dan Kelly, WPLJ & NASH-FM, New York
5. Iron Imager Finalist #2, Paul Duffy, iRadio, Dublin, Ireland
6. Real Hip Hop/Nas Lauren Hill Winning Weekend, DJ Necio, KBFB-FM, Dallas, Texas, djnecio[at]radio-one.com
7. Winter Concert Blitz/P!nk, Scott Chasty, Dougall Media, Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada, schasty[at]dougallmedia.com
8. Sonic Hits Now/Grouse Mountain, Dave Cockram, david.cockram[at]rci.rogers.com
9. CJAY/Reapers Quickie Promo, Gary McClenaghan, Astral Radio, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, gmcclenaghan[at]astra.com
10. Rolling Valley Radio Imaging Montage, Alan Peterson, Radio America, Washington, DC, apeterson[at]radioamerica.org
11. Power 97/Every Second Counts, Evan Surminski, CJOB, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, evan[at]power97.com
12. Justin Timberlake Winning Weekend, Jamie Montgomery, 105.3 KISS-FM, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, Jamie.montgomery[at]ottawaradio.rogers.com
13. Channer's Men's Apparel, Mike Vuckovich, 105.3 KOOL-FM / 99.5 KFUN, Kitchener-Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, mike.vuckovich[at]bellmedia.ca
14. Pullman Chamber/Get Caught Shopping, Rod Schwartz, Grace Broadcast Sales, Pullman, Washington, rod[at]gracebroadcast.com
15. NAT VW TV audio, Johnny George, Johnny George Communications, vo[at]johnnygeorge.com
16. Gummi Boutique/Bacon, Richard Stroobant, Stroobant[at]hotmail.com
17. Lafflines Comedy Club/Xmas Party, Jay Helmus, Astral Radio, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, jhelmus[at]astral.com
18. Three Brewers, Henry McIlree, Rogers Media, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, hmcilree[at]rci.rogers.com
19. Children's Wish/Princess Tea Party, Skyler Richard, NewCap Radio, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada, srichard[at]newcap.ca
20. Valley Ford St. Patrick's Day Contest, Shaun Whynacht, Blue Cow Creative, Coldbrook, Nova Scotia, Canada, shaun[at]bluecowcreative.ca


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