R.A.P. Interview: Dennis Daniel, Senior Broadcast Creative Director, Walter F. Cameron Advertising, New York

By Jerry Vigil

Long-time members of Radio And Production will recall the monthly contributions from Dennis Daniel and his ever interesting, informative, and oftentimes controversial column, "Tales of the Tape." For most of the decade of the '90s, Dennis shared the tales from his production studios at WBAB and WDRE in New York. In December of 1997, Dennis "signed off" from his regular column to pursue other writing ventures. The subsequent years took Dennis on quite a ride, with many ups and downs. Eventually, Dennis got out of radio and ended up where it all started for him, in the advertising agency side of things. Dennis is now the Senior Broadcast Creative Director for Walter F. Cameron Advertising in New York. In this month's RAP Interview, Dennis takes us on his journey of the past fifteen years since we last heard from him, and gives us an inside look at life at an ad agency. Creativity has always been a hallmark of Dennis' work, and that's still true today, as you can hear on this month's RAP CD. We also have some video from Dennis, a couple of TV commercials he did. Here are the links: Commercial #1. Commercial #2.

Production 212: The Transporter (rated R)

by Dave Foxx

Every month or so, I get 15 or more inquiries via email or Facebook about my opinion on this subject or that. Most often it's about imaging, which is right in my comfort zone. As I'm writing this, I'm at 36-thousand feet in a United 747 over the Pacific headed for Sydney where this Saturday, I'll be speaking to programmers and producers of Austereo Southern Cross, one of the largest radio groups in Australia about imaging... again, right in my comfort zone. Some would call me an expert in imaging, and while I would always caution people on the use of the word expert in anything as subjective as imaging, I do feel somewhat qualified to share an opinion or two on the subject.

Radio Hed: Story Forms for Radio Writers – The Myth

by Jeffrey Hedquist

Using the myth as a story form is another way for you to break writer's block. Many popular stories, books and movies follow the myth outline. The dictionary defines a myth as "a usually traditional story of ostensibly historical events that serves to unfold part of the world view of a people or explain a practice, belief, or natural phenomenon." Also as "a person or thing having only an imaginary or unverifiable existence." This definition is what we are looking for when we approach writing a myth-like commercial.

Test Drive: iZotope Ozone 5 and Fostex AR4i iPhone Interface

by Steve Cunningham

This weekend I am attending the October 2012 edition of the Faffcon Unconference for voice actors, and thought it might be interesting to profile a couple of products I'm actually using here. Among other goodies, I'm using a Fostex AR4i interface to record some presentations on my iPhone, and am processing some of the captured tracks using iZotope's new Ozone 5 mastering plug to give them a little more oomph and crispness. This is eval under fire, so let's take a look.

"...And Make It Real Creative!": Creative Bliss

by Trent Rentcsh

Here's a rarity for you... my wife and I never fight. I know, just the fact that she's married to ME makes that sound like something out of a fairytale, but it's true. I've had friends question it, "Come on, you're a guy, you probably just don't notice it!" or, "Sure, you got that bruise from tripping on the cat! Uh huh." They can say what they want, but the fact is, we just do... NOT... fight. Oh, and I am clumsy...

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  • The R.A.P. Cassette - October 1999

    Voice demo from interview subject, Sandy Thomas, New York, NY; plus more imaging, promos and commercials from Bob Green, Bob Green Productions,...