RAP-CD-logo-2Welcome to the May 2012 RAP CD as we present the 22nd RAP Awards Best of the Rest Part 2! This month we spotlight Feature Productions and Promos! Feature Productions are on tracks 1 through 6. Small Market Promos are on tracks 7 through 11, Medium Market Promos on tracks 12 through 18, and Large Market Promos are on tracks 19 through 26. Like last month's collection, these entries came very close to making it to the finals, some missing it by one vote -- that's how important your votes are and how much every vote counts. Hats off to all for work well done! (Note: The name listed next to the entry title is the name of the individual submitting the entry. In most cases, this person is the entry's producer, copywriter, or voice talent, or any combination thereof. In cases where the person submitting the entry was not listed in the credits, we have substituted the producer's name.) We wrap it up with a killer promo from Dave Foxx for this month's Production 212 column. Next month it's back to our regular format for the CD.

1. Q104 Morning Show Fun, Anthony McNutt, Newcap Radio, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
2. 9/11 – Ten Years On, Colin McGinness, UKRD, Bristol, United Kingdom
3. Mash It Up 2K11, Azeem Haq, Crevo, Etobicoke, Ontario, Canada
4. Jet Rock Anthem, Jim Van Dusen, Astral Radio, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
5. Halloween Jokes For Kids, Mike Johnson, Dakota Broadcasting, Aberdeen, South Dakota
6. I Don't Give a Thanks, Tony Lee, Hubbard Broadcasting, St. Paul, Minnesota
7. Scared of Santa Promo, Dave Cruickshank, CKMH – Rock 105.3, Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada
8. Cowherd Promo/Duke's Gift, Kurt S. Kaniewski, KK Creative Koncepts, Topeka, Kansas
9. Wild Country 99 - 9/11 10yr Anniv Campaign, Brook Stephens, Leighton Broadcasting, St. Cloud, Minnesota
10. Trick Or Treat, Adam Venton, UKRD Group/Yorkshire Coast Radio, Bristol, United Kingdom
11. The EIB/The Excellence in Berg Network, Jeff Ogden, Great Plains Integrated Marketing, Fargo, ND
12. QX 104 Best Day Ever, Todd Raymond, Astral Radio, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
13. ZM-NET/Foo Fighters Earthquake Relief Concert, Kieran Bell, The Radio Network, Auckland, New Zealand
14. Hit Money Trackpot, Matt Van Essen, Astral Radio, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
15. Boobs, Andy McBeth, Astral Radio, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
16. WHQG – Combat Hunger, Joe Meinecke, Saga Communications, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
17. WKLH – Green and Gold Cave, Joe Meinecke, Saga Communications, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
18. WKLH – Occupy Thanksgiving, Joe Meinecke, Saga Communications, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
19. Promo/Obama Jobs, Harry Legg, Benztown Branding USA, Burbank, California
20. Promo Shell/I heard 'em say, Andreas Sannemann, Benztown Branding USA, Burbank, California
21. Double Tap, Brian Wilson, Cumulus Media Networks, Dallas, Texas
22. SXM UFC on Fox, Joey DiFazio, SiriusXM, Hyannis Port, Massachusetts
23. Fear Not, Lee Rugen, Moody Radio Network, Chicago, Illinois
24. Choices, Lee Rugen, Moody Radio Network, Chicago, Illinois
25. The Pledge, Lee Rugen, Moody Radio Network, Chicago, Illinois
26. Fun Fm Superbowl Commercial Idea, Mike Sherlock, Rogers Broadcasting, Vancouver, BC, Canada
27. Production 212 Audio, Dave Foxx, Z100, New York, NY, davefoxx[at]clearchannel.com


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