RAP-CD-logo-2Welcome to the July 2012 R.A.P. CD! We kick things off with this month's Editor's Choice Award winner, a nicely done piece of creative from Carl Magnuson at Social Radio to launch an online station they've set up to feature their new player software. Dave Foxx keeps it sizzling on track 2 with audio for this month's Production 212 column. Promos are on tracks 3 through 7, and commercials are on tracks 8 through 22. Track 13 is another award winner from students at SAIT Polytechnic, a PSA that won that category at the Broadcast Educators Association of Canada. Track 23 features a couple of imaging pieces that utilize the audio from a YouTube video that went viral about a boy learning to ride a bike. Tracks 24 and 25 are some ID montages, and we wrap it up with a gem from Al Peterson at Radio America, commemorating the recent 5th anniversary of Senator Larry Craig's arrest for lewd conduct at the St. Paul airport. Al adds: "Vocal-zapped version of 'Claire' by Gilbert O'Sullivan, with 3-part harmony, effects from Sound Ideas, and a clip of Krusty the Clown."

1. ♦ XUFO Launch, Carl Magnuson, Social Radio, carl[at]socialradio.org
2. Production 212 audio, Dave Foxx, Z100, New York, NY, davefoxx[at]clearchannel.com
3. Carly Rae Jepson Ex, Gary McClenaghan, Harvard Broadcasting, Regina, Sask., Canada, garym[at]harvardbroadcasting.com
4. KLFM Jumpers for Goalposts, Adam Venton, UKRD Group, Bristol, United Kingdom, adam.venton[at]ukrd.com
5. Taste of Metal 2012, Dave Cockram, Rogers Broadcasting, david.cockram[at]rci.rogers.com
6. Summer Bash Artist Promos, Josh R/Mike Horn, WBBM-FM, Chicago, IL, b96joshr[at]gmail.com
7. 971FreeFM.com, Rich Boerner, (formerly with) KLSX, Los Angeles, California
8. Glasser's TV Service (3 x :30), Kevin Green, Harvard Broadcasting, Regina, SK, Canada, kgreen[at]harvardbroadcasting.com
9. First Star Psychic Fair, Steve Thompson, Bell Media, Kitchener-Waterloo, ON, Canada, steve.thompson[at]bellmedia.ca
10. Fendor Glass, Henry McIlree, Rogers Media, Ottawa, ON, Canada, henry.mcilree[at]ottawaradio.rogers.com
11. Flash Deliveries, Kristen Gilcrist, CHAT/My 96, Medicine Hat, AB, Canada, kgilchrist[at]jpbg.com
12. Power Vac, Deborah Hopkins, Bell Media, Kitchener-Waterloo, ON, Deborah.hopkins[at]bellmedia.ca
13. Salvation Army, Richard Stroobant, SAIT Polytechnic, Stroobant[at]hotmail.com
14. Bronco Plumbing/Sewer Service, JJ Elliot, Harvard Broadcasting, Regina, SK, Canada, jjelliott[at]harvardbroadcasting.com
15. Forever Yours Lingerie, Docc Andrews, CJJR/CKPK, Vancouver, BC, Canada, dandrews[at]jrfm.com
16. The Slice, Franzman, Foster Communications, franzmanradio[at]yahoo.com
17. Dominion Lending Centers, Matt Fogarty, Island Radio, mfogarty[at]islandradio.bc.ca
18. Allure Tanning Lounge, Matt Wallace, CHWK-FM, Chilliwack, BC, Canada, matt[at]895thehawk.com
19. Dissmores Steak Place, Rod Schwartz, Grace Broadcast Sales, rod[at]gracebroadcast.com
20. Red Love Bar, Eddie Bye, nova919, Adelaide, SA, Australia, ebye[at]dmgradio.com.au
21. Bonjour/Ohhh, Sean Bell, NYPD, New Yorkshire, United Kingdom, sean[at]sounds-good.biz
22. Kevin's Computing/The Boss is Away, Robin J. Egerton, CKLM-FM, Lloydminster, AB, Canada, robin[at]borderrock.com
23. Kid With the Bicycle, Jay Helmus, Jack FM, Vancouver, BC, Canada, jay.helmus[at]rci.rogers.com
24. Spring Break IDs, Bill Jackson, 93.7 JRfm, bjackson[at]jrfm.com
25. B96 Street Mix/Mix Show IDs, Josh R., WBBM-FM, Chicago, IL, b96joshr[at]gmail.com
26. The Craig Song, Alan Peterson, Radio America Network, Washington, DC, apeterson[at]radioamerica.org


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