Welcome to the April 2010 RAP CD as we present the 20th RAP Awards Best of the Rest Part 1. We begin with Feature Productions on tracks 1 through 7, Small Market Commercials are on tracks 8 through 14, Medium Market Commercials are on tracks 15 through 25, and we wrap it up with Large Market Commercials on tracks 26 through 28. These cuts represent entries that came very close to making it to the finals, some missing it by a fraction – yes, some missing by one vote. All deserve acknowledgment for work well done! (Note: The name listed next to the entry title is the name of the individual submitting the entry. In most cases, this person is the entry's producer, copywriter, or voice talent – or any combination thereof -- but not always. Feel free to contact the individual at the supplied email address for added information about their entry.) Next month it's the 2010 Radio And Production Awards Best of the Rest Part 2 – Promos! 

1. ZM - Michael Jackson Tribute, Chris Nicoll, ZM Radio Network, Auckland, New Zealand, chris[at]wizzfx.com
2. Kiss Mix - Kiss 92.5 Toronto, Chris Pottage, Rogers Radio, Toronto, Ontario, chris.pottage[at]rci.rogers.com
3. GSN Radio "Weekend Show", Craig Jansson, Radio America/Imagination, Arlington, VA, craig.jansson[at]imagination.com.au
4. King/Obama Tribute, Joe Meinecke, Saga Communications, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, jmeinecke[at]wklh.com
5. Quarterback Rock, Joe Meinecke, Saga Communications, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, jmeinecke[at]wklh.com
6. Some Parodies & Some Songs, Kevyn Howard, CBS Radio, Chicago, Illinois, kevyn.howard[at]cbsradio.com
7. Vibe Morning Show Tik Tok Custom Intro, Matt Van Essen, Astral Media Radio, Calgary, AB, Canada, mvanessen[at]cjay92.com
8. Appliance Outlet: Thanksgiving Wrath, Andy Berkowitz, Forever Broadcasting, Altoona, PA, andyberkowitz[at]yahoo.com
9. Wings - Buffet Song, Cassie Price, Jim Pattison Broadcast Group, Victoria, BC, Canada, cassie[at]theq.fm
10. Crazy Steve's Fireworks "Dirty Joe", Melanie Webb, Federated Media, South Bend, IN, mwebb[at]federatedmedia.com
11. Papa Murphy's "Take & Bake", Melanie Webb, Federated Media, South Bend, Indiana, mwebb[at]federatedmedia.com
12. Main Roads Drive Tired, Josh Langley, Radiowest / Hot FM, Bunbury, WA, Australia, josh[at]radiowest.com.au
13. The Loan Arranger, Travis "JT" McGinnis, Leighton Broadcasting, St. Cloud, Minnesota, prod[at]1047kcld.com
14. Awkward, Travis "JT" McGinnis, Leighton Broadcasting, St. Cloud, Minnesota, prod[at]1047kcld.com
15. Chin-easy, Amy Hastwell, Austereo, Adelaide, SA, Australia, amy.hastwell[at]austero.com.au
16. Betsy the relaxed cow, Amy Hastwell, Austereo, Adelaide, SA, Australia, amy.hastwell[at]austero.com.au
17. New Born, Amy Hastwell, Austereo, Adelaide, SA, Australia, amy.hastwell[at]austero.com.au
18. "Capital Ale House - Ticked Off Cupid", Joe Doran, Cox Radio, Inc., Richmond, Virginia, joe.doran[at]coxradio.com
19. "Capital Ale House - St. Patty's Day", Joe Doran, Cox Radio, Inc., Richmond, Virginia, joe.doran[at]coxradio.com
20. "Capital Ale House - Cabin Fever", Joe Doran, Cox Radio, Inc., Richmond, Virginia, joe.doran[at]coxradio.com
21. Shuffle at Swish Bar, Eddie Bye, Nova 91.9 (DMG Radio), Adelaide, SA, Australia, ebye[at]dmgardio.com.au
22. Dews – Demons, Joe Meinecke, Saga Communications, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, jmeinecke[at]wklh.com
23. Orca Bay Suzuki - Sx4, John Masecar, Astral Media Radio, Vancouver, BC, Canada, jmasecar[at]radio.astral.com
24. Ugly Naked Blinds, Cathy L'Henaff, Astral Media Radio, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, cathy[at]cjay92.com
25. Beef Ex, Adam Hunter, Astral Media Radio GP, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, ahunter[at]cjay92.com
26. The Golf Dream, Lee Rugen, Moody Radio Network, Chicago, Illinois, lee.rugen[at]moody.edu
27. HD Radio-Disclaimer, Kevyn Howard, CBS Radio, Chicago, Illinois, kevyn.howard[at]cbsradio.com
28. HD Radio-Mr. Subliminal, Kevyn Howard, CBS Radio, Chicago, Illinois, kevyn.howard[at]cbsradio.com

Support the RAP CD by sending a promo and/or a commercial recently produced at your studios. Please include your e-mail address or phone number for anyone interested in finding out details about the work such as producer, voice talent, etc. Sweepers, bits, spoof spots, song parodies, and most any other good piece of production are also welcome. If you send sweepers, dub them back to back to create a montage about sixty seconds long or less. All other items should be kept separate so we can pull them off cleanly. Normalize your mp3 files, trim silence from the front and back and email to jv[at]rapmag.com. Thank you! ◙


  • The R.A.P. CD - November 2004

    Promos, commercial and imaging from Dave Foxx, Z100, New York, NY; Matt Lomax, Kiss 100, London, England; Cooper Fox, Magic 104, Conway, NH; Steve...