RAP-CD-logo-2Happy New Year and welcome to the January 2009 R.A.P. CD, brought to you in part by the new ProdGods imaging library. Check out the demo on track one (caution: don't play for the kids)!

We get things started with a superb collection of audio from Willy B, this month's interview subject. Willy is doing mostly video these days, but he was kind enough to dig through his archives for some special stuff. Some of the voices you'll hear on the sampler include the late Don LaFontaine, Chuck Riley and Percy Rodriguez, and the still alive and kicking John O'Hurley, Peter Thomas, Vic Corrolli, Beau Roberts, and James Justice. Willy wraps up the audio with a John Lennon tribute he produced many years ago, as we acknowledge the recent anniversary of John's death. Next up is audio for Dave Foxx's Production 212 column. Tracks 4 through 15 are commercials, just in time to inspire you during the 2 for 1 fire sale your sales department is having this month, as every local-direct advertiser comes to you for "something creative". Promos are on tracks 16 through 27, and we wrap it up with some fun stuff from those folks with a little extra time on their hands. Nice work everyone!

1. [ADV] ProdGods Demo, Scottie Papek, spapek[at]prodgods.com
2. Sampler from Willy B, TVforRadio, Woodbury, Connecticut, willyb1111[at]aol.com
3. Production 212 Audio – Dave Foxx, Z100, New York, NY, davefoxx[at]clearchannel.com
4. Olde Un Theatre/Gameshow, Steve Franzman, Zimmer Radio, Columbia, Missouri, franzmandesign[at]yahoo.com
5. Auburn Rentals/Ed's Proposal, Daniel Shandroski, The Goat/CKLM-FM, Lloydminster, Alb., Canada, dan[at]borderrock.com
6. The Floor Guy/Floor Augmentation, Jeff Augustine, Zimmer Radio, Columbia, Missouri, jaugustine[at]zrgmail.com
7. MoodyAudio.com, Lee Rugen, Moody Broadcasting, Chicago, Illinois, lee.rugen[at]moody.edu
8. T-Zone, Ron Tarrant, Tiessen Media, Airdrie, Alberta, Canada, production1[at]tiessenmedia.com
9. Woodshoot Nurseries/Lemon Tree, Sean Bell, NYPD, New Yorkshire, United Kingdom, seanbell[at]nypd.uk.com
10. Player's Sports Pub/Wing Man, C.J. Goodearl, Clear Channel, Orlando, Florida, cjgoodearl[at]clearchannel.com
11. Doon Heritage Crossroads, Steve Thompson, 105.3 Kool FM, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada, sthompson[at]koolfm.com
12. Child Safety PSA, Steve Stone, Zimmer Radio, Joplin, Missouri, sstone[at]zrgmail.com
13. Coralwood Mall/Back to School, Andrew Frame, BAFSoundworks, Lehigh Acres, Florida, andrew[at]bafsoundworks.com
14. Dippin' Dots/Try This, Buzz Calhoun, Clear Channel, Shreveport, Louisiana, buzzcalhoun[at]clearchannel.com
15. Webco Sports, Mike Vuckovich, Kool-FM, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada, mvuckovich[at]koolfm.com
16. The Grindhouse, Gary McClenaghan, Harvard Broadcasting, Regina, Sask., Canada, garym[at]harvardbroadcasting.com
17. Summer Mixdown 14, Jerimiah Busniak, Radio West/Hot FM Networks, Bunbury, Australia, imaging[at]radiowest.com.au
18. Workforce Lunch/Subway, Doug Newman, Kool-FM, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada, dnewman[at]koolfm.com
19. Night Shift/Fraser, Robin J. Egerton, The Goat/CKLM-FM, Lloydminster, Alberta, Canada, robin[at]borderrock.com
20. Playboy/New Years Eve, Rich Boerner, KLSX, Los Angeles, California, rboerner[at]cbs.com
21. JRR Kneepads, CJ Goodearl, Clear Channel, Orlando, Florida, cjgoodearl[at]clearchannel.com
22. Carol of the Bitches, Rich Boerner, KLSX, Los Angeles, California, rboerner[at]cbs.com
23. Anywhere in the World #3, Vaughn Jones, Hot 91, Sunshine Coast, Australia, production[at]scoast.com.au
24. Q Jet/Led Zeppelin, Anthony McNutt, Imagingwork.com, Kentville, Nova Scotia, Canada, a.mcnutt[at]mrg.ca
25. Thanksgiving, Lee Rugen, Moody Broadcasting, Chicago, Illinois, lee.rugen[at]moody.edu
26. Triple Your Pay, Bill Jackson, JRFM/600AM, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, bjackson[at]jrfm.com
27. Frog Challenge, Joel Moss, WEBN-FM, Cincinnati, Ohio, jmoss[at]webn.com
28. Yeastie Boys/No Sleep Till Christmas, Robin J. Egerton, The Goat/CKLM-FM, Lloydminster, Alb., Canada, robin[at]borderrock.com
29. Sally Struthers for Auto Bailout, Brad Lane, KSTP-AM, Minneapolis, Minnesota, Blane[at]am1500.com
30. Pope Fest 2008 (for Pope's US visit), Gary McClenaghan, Harvard Broadcasting, Regina, Sask., Canada, garym[at]harvardbroadcasting.com


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