RAP-CD-logo-2Welcome to the April 2009 RAP CD! We get started with a montage from this month’s interview subject, Charles Nove. Track 2 is audio for Dave Foxx’s Production 212 column. Track 3 is audio referenced in Andrew Frame’s Notes Off The Napkin article. Track 4 kicks off our 2009 RAP Awards Best of the Rest Part 1 with Feature Productions on tracks 4 through 11. Small Market Commercials are on tracks 12 through 18, Medium Market Commercials on tracks 19 through 27, and we wrap it up with Large Market Commercials on tracks 28 through 33. These cuts represent entries that came very close to making it to the finals, some missing it by a fraction. All deserve recognition for work well done!

Next month it’s the 2008 Radio And Production Awards Best of the Rest Part 2 – Promos! 

1. Demo from Charles Nove, A1 Vox, London, United Kingdom, Charles[at]a1vox.com
2. Production 212 Audio (2 promos) – Dave Foxx, Z100, New York, NY, davefoxx[at]clearchannel.com
3. Notes Off the Napkin Audio – Andrew Frame, BASFSoundWorks, Lehigh Acres, Florida, studio[at]bafsoundworks.com
4. Zach's Wish – John Knoblock, WHBC Radio, Canton, Ohio, radiospaz[at]gmail.com
5. Thoughts & Prayers '08 – Jim Van Dusen, Astral Media Radio, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, jvandusen[at]radio.astral.com
6. Kooky Christmas Open – Joe Meinecke, Saga Communications, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, jmeinecke[at]wklh.com
7. What Is Radio – Ron Tarrant, Tiessen Media, Airdrie, Alberta, Canada, production1[at]tiessenmedia.com
8. Radio F-Yeah KLSX - Rob Frazier, KLSX-FM, Los Angeles, California, rfrazier[at]cbs.com
9. Fashion Faux Pa – Chris Nicoll, The Radio Network, Auckland, New Zealand, chris[at]zmonline.com
10. The Top 25 Things That Made Pittsburgh: Celebrating Pittsburgh 250 - Drake Donovan, CBS Radio, Pittsburgh, PA, drake[at]drakedonovan.com
11. Morgan Freeman – James Peo, WABG Radio, Greenwood, Mississippi, thejamespoe[at]yahoo.com
12. Gift Box Poop Final – Desiree Smith, Big River Broadcasting, Ferriday, Louisiana, dezi107[at]yahoo.com
13. Exit/Bunbury – Karmel Waiariki Ward, MSCM Radio West, Bunbury, WA, Australia, karmelw[at]radiowest.com.au
14. Thatzza Pizza/College Friends – Mike Johnson, Dakota Broadcasting, Aberdeen, South Dakota, mike[at]dakotabroadcasting.com
15. Sizzle Symphony – Daniel Shandroski, 106.1/99.4 The Goat, Lloydminster, Alberta, Canada, robin[at]borderrock.com
16. Gone Fishin'/Generic Fish – Greg Lowes, Island Radio, Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada, cjohnson[at]islandradio.bc.ca
17. Indulge Clothing Esperance – Matt Paddon, MSCM Radio West, Bunbury, WA, Australia, mpaddon[at]radiowest.com.au
18. Surf Culture/No Hardsell – Doug Loepp, CKLZ-FM, Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada, doug[at]power104.fm
19. Intelligent Office/Pickup/Boss Call – Jim Kipping, Emmis Radio, Austin, Texas, jim[at]jimkipping.com
20. I'm Richard – Jeremy “Tucker” Mooser, CBS, Hartford, Connecticut, Jeremy.mooser[at]cbsradio.com
21. Here We Go to Mango Grove - Jim Van Dusen, Astral Media Radio, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, jvandusen[at]radio.astral.com
22. Ladies Night Tuesday at the Briar – Jim Van Dusen, Astral Media Radio, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, jvandusen[at]radio.astral.com
23. Adelaide Guitar Festival – Eddie Bye, DMG Radio, Adelaide, SA, Australia, ebye[at]dmgradio.com.au
24. Fist Pump - Cathy L’Henaff, Astral Media Radio, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, cathy[at]cjay92.com
25. Sweet & Sexy – Cathy L’Henaff, Astral Media Radio, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, cathy[at]cjay92.com
26. Big Chief Big Jerky/Celebrity Jeopardy – Matthew Van Essen, Astral Media Radio, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, mvanessen[at]cjay92.com
27. Fight the Fear – Adam Hunter, Astral Media Radio, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, ahunter[at]cjay92.com
28. Magnotta's/Love - Jim Feldman, Cumulus Media, Westchester, New York, jimf[at]wfasfm.com
29. Legend of the Seeker – Mingo Marrero, Spanish Broadcasting System, Los Angeles, California, djmingoradio[at]gmail.com
30. Alpha Graphics/Office Chain – Jim Feldman, Cumulus Media, Westchester, New York, jimf[at]wfasfm.com
31. Tree Classics – Michael Wolfgang, Citadel/WLS-AM, Chicago, Illinois, Michael.wolfgang[at]citcomm.com
32. A Friend to the End - Lee Rugen, Moody Radio Network, Chicago, Illinois, lee.rugen[at]moody.edu
33. It's Not Just For Kids – Lee Rugen, Moody Radio Network, Chicago, Illinois, lee.rugen[at]moody.edu


  • The R.A.P. CD - November 2002

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