Welcome to the April 2004 RAP CD. We start off with an awesome demo from this months interview subject, Steve Stone. Track 2 is audio for this months Production 212 column from Dave Foxx. The rest of this months RAP CD is part one of the 2003 RAP Awards "Best of the Rest." We start off with Feature Productions on tracks 3 through 8. Small Market Promos are on tracks 9 through 12, Medium Market Promos are on tracks 13 through 17, and Large Market Promos wrap things up on tracks 18 through 21. As you'll hear, there are lots of great Features and Promos in the "Best of the Rest" category, and each of them deserves recognition for making this years competition as tough as ever. Congrats to each of you! Well present part two of the "Best of the Rest" next month with the Best Commercial categories.

1. Demo from Steve Stone, Stone Creative Productions, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
2. Production 212 audio, Dave Foxx, Z100, New York
3. White Rushbaugh Rob Frazier, KLSX, Los Angeles, California
4. Decembers Best NBA Highlights Howie Sylvester, WWZN, Boston, Massachusetts
5. Kobe Likes That Back Door Steve Lushbaugh, WMMR, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
6. Brute Force Moving Pictures Joel Moss, WEBN-FM, Cincinnati, Ohio
7. Snickers Institute Evans Byrd, WWWR-FM, Charleston, South Carolina
8. Anti-Semitey Sam C.J. Goodearl, WJRR-FM, Orlando, Florida
9. $50,000 Amish Cash Cow Damian Rhodes, WLAN, Lancaster, Pennsylvania
10. The 2003 Arizona Diamondbacks Ken Byers, KPPV-FM, Flagstaff, Arizona
11. Barbara Searches for Bob Vicki Muzik-OBrien, Ketchikan, Alaska
12. Many Ways Julie Freddino, WSHU, Fairfield, Connecticut
13. Disturbing Promo Joel Moss, WEBN-FM, Cincinnati, Ohio
14. 2003 Fireworks Tee Joel Moss, WEBN-FM, Cincinnati, Ohio
15. They're Back!!! Joseph A. Meinecke, WKLH-FM, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
16. Comedy Bowl Weekend Joseph A. Meinecke, WKLH-FM, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
17. Smoking Ninja Dave Green, WTKS-FM, Orlando, Florida
18. Flatt Out Fun Winning Weekend Terry Phillips, WYCD-FM, Detroit, Michigan
19. Manuary/Down Yer Throat Rich Boerner, KLSX-FM, Los Angeles, California
20. Mix Magnificent Mile Shopping Extravaganza Steve McKenzie, WTMX-FM, Chicago, Illinois
21. Talktober/See Sum Party Rich Boerner, KLSX-FM, Los Angeles, California


  • The R.A.P. Cassette - March 1990

    Thanks to all who continue to provide us with the excellent work we feature on The Cassette each month. On the PROMO side, listen for three cuts...