RAP-CD-logo-2Welcome to the October 2003 RAP CD. This months RAP CD is brought to you in part by Alien Imaging Sound Design. Please check out the demo on track 1 for the new imaging library from Alien Imaging and give Jeff Schmidt a call for more information at 415-828-6904. Track 2 is a nice sampling of work from this months interview subject, Mike Carta. Production credits go to Mikes three producers: Scott McCormick/McCormick Productions, Rapid City, SD; Art Rooney/Aural Stimulation, West Palm Beach, FL; and Al Mason/Studio 197, Auburn, AL. Track 3 is the commercial referenced in this months Radio Hed column on page 11 read then listen! Commercials fill out tracks 4 through 12, and promos fill up tracks 13 through 26. Tracks 13-15 from Joel Moss are some excellent promos for WEBNs new "reality radio" promotion. Track 26 from Katie Sanders and Richard Murphy at KIMN-FM in Denver gives us some nice work on a promotional piece for the stations morning team, and we wrap things up with another shot of twisted humor from C.J. Goodearl.

1. [ADV] FUSE Imaging FX Demo Alien Imaging Sound Design, Jeff Schmidt
2. Mike Carta demo Super Sweepers, Knoxville, Tennessee
3. Full Partner/Radio Hed Audio Jeffrey Hedquist, Hedquist Productions, Fairfield, Iowa
4. Perfection Paint & Body, Markus Shafer, Rawlco Radio, Saskatoon, Sk., Canada
5. East Hamilton Radio, Todd Ouellette, Y108, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
6. Island Outfitters "The Codfather", Steve Schippanoski, 100.3 The Q, Victoria, BC, Canada
7. Rock Technologies, Steve McKenzie, Next Media, Crystal Lake, Illinois
8. Travelodge - Mom, Dan Kirkness, Star 96, Pembroke, Ontario, Canada
9. Steamers Fish, Bumper Morgan, Boch Broadcasting, Cape Cod, Massachusettes
10. May More-on Sale, Terry "Tunes" Miller, KSCB-FM, Liberal, Kansas
11. Natural Sports/Alien, Mike Vuckovich, 105.3 Kool FM, Kitchener, Ont., Canada
12. Employ E. Opportunity, David L. Strickland, WGNY-FM, Newburgh, New York
13. Who Wants To Marry Teaser, Joel Moss, WEBN-FM, Cincinnati, Ohio
14. Who Wants to Marry Wildman, Joel Moss, WEBN-FM, Cincinnati, Ohio
15. Who Wants to Marry Wildman #2, Joel Moss, WEBN-FM, Cincinnati, Ohio
16. The Pope Is Dope, Chris Pottage, Rogers Radio, Toronto, Ont., Canada
17. Home Invasion, Rich Boerner, KLSX, Los Angeles, California
18. Don't Say Hello, T-Bone, Rawlco Radio, Saskatoon, Sk., Canada
19. Mothers Day With Metallica, Jim Hausfeld, WTUE-FM, Dayton, Ohio
20. Winter Weather, Johnny George, Susquehanna Indianapolis
21. 30 Step Program, Scott Clements, The Wolf, Regina, SK, Canada
22. KS95 Beat Promo, Jym Geraci, KS95, Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota
23. Bomb #6 Promo, Carlos Montoya, KYLZ, Albuquerque, New Mexico
24. Getaway a Day, Chris Wrapson, Beacon FM, Wolverhampton, United Kingdom
25. Plant and Who in NYC, Gary Whidden, Corus Radio, Toronto, Canada
26. Dom & Jane "Pirates of the Airwaves", Katie Sanders/Richard Murphy, KIMN-FM, Denver, Colorado
27. Fat-Ass Class, C.J. Goodearl, Clear Channel, Orlando, Florida


  • The R.A.P. Cassette - December 2000

    Production demo from interview subject, John Mangan's class at KVTI-FM, Tacoma, WA; plus more commercials, imaging and promos from Jeffrey Hedquist,...