
Time to Escape

Artist: Nate Wilsher Album: Genre: Commercials Duration: 00:16 Uploaded By Richard Stroobant on 5th Dec, 2024
Written, voiced and produced by students in the RTBN program at SAIT.
As I was in post production, I started putting together the scene with all the sound fx, and realized "I need some kind of suspenseful music underneath". I started looking for something until I realized I could have my...
Written, voiced and produced by students in the RTBN program at SAIT.
As I was in post production, I started putting together the scene with all the sound fx, and realized "I need some kind of suspenseful music underneath". I started looking for something until I realized I could have my roommate play his violin for me. I started to coach him then he just said "Just suspenseful then?". I got the take and wrapped up my mix. Really proud of what came out.

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