

Artist: Bernd Vant Klooster Album: SAIT Genre: Promos Duration: 00:36 Uploaded By Richard Stroobant on 5th Apr, 2019
For a campus radio station, summer is the students favorite time. This audio is a trailer type promo getting ready for the best thrill ride of the season!! This was written, voiced and produced by 2nd year students in the RTBN program at SAIT. Pretty damn good for kids who don't even have jobs...
For a campus radio station, summer is the students favorite time. This audio is a trailer type promo getting ready for the best thrill ride of the season!! This was written, voiced and produced by 2nd year students in the RTBN program at SAIT. Pretty damn good for kids who don't even have jobs in the industry...yet!

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Comments (2)
  • Well done! Heck of a voice on that student!
    5 years ago
  • heck yeah!
    5 years ago
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