Making a client sound good voicing their commercial
Artist: Kurt Kaniewski-writer, producer, voice talent/Jerry Coniglio-client, voice
Album: KK Creative Koncepts
Genre: Commercials
Duration: 00:30
Uploaded By
Kurt Kaniewski
on 21st May, 2019
Client voiced radio ads can sure be a challenge. In a lot of cases you're giving a person who probably has little or no expertise interpreting broadcast copy a script to read. The result? They SOUND like someone with little or no expertise interpreting broadcast copy. In many cases you can avoid...
Client voiced radio ads can sure be a challenge. In a lot of cases you're giving a person who probably has little or no expertise interpreting broadcast copy a script to read. The result? They SOUND like someone with little or no expertise interpreting broadcast copy. In many cases you can avoid that. Case in point, this ad from a series I perpetrated from a successful campaign for a local mattress and furniture store. The client--by his OWN admission had NO talent to read a radio script. (and he was right) But I figured this guy deserved more than the predictable client read. So I set up two voice situations with him. That way, you can write them short lines and, like Chaplin used to direct, give it to them the way it should be read and have them repeat after you. The result, at least in this campaign, was a series where the client sounded like they had a likeable personality (which he DID--my job was to get it across in a radio ad). And the added bonus was that customers commented frequently about the ads when they shopped the store. That's the kind of feedback you want, I think. And it starts with the little extra effort of writing more than just a "client voiced script"
Production demo from interview subject, Brian Kelsey/K-ROCK, New York; plus imaging, commercials and promos from Craig Jackman/CHEZ-FM, Ottawa, ON; Eric...