Brat And Brad Puke 98 Rock T-Shirt

Artist: Ty Ford Album: Genre: Promos Duration: N/A Uploaded By Jerry Vigil on 16th Mar, 2022
Very creative stuff from Ty Ford back in the '80s on an FM rocker. Ty adds the details:

Back in the 1980s, in US radio, I worked at 98 Rock, a 50,000 watt FM station in Baltimore, MD. I was on the air, the production director and operations manager. One of my jobs was to create promo spots...
Very creative stuff from Ty Ford back in the '80s on an FM rocker. Ty adds the details:

Back in the 1980s, in US radio, I worked at 98 Rock, a 50,000 watt FM station in Baltimore, MD. I was on the air, the production director and operations manager. One of my jobs was to create promo spots for the station.

Back then, I was guided by Firesign Theater, The Conception Corporation, Cheech and Chong and The Radio Ranch. I think you can hear a bit of that in this spot promoting 98 Rock T-shirts. The theory was that a little bit of entertainment helped get the message across and stopped people from tuning out.

I wrote and produced the promo. I was Dr. Brains and one of the kids. Brian MacDonald was The Announcer and the other kid.

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