
Steve Martin Production Demo

Artist: Steve Martin Album: BBC Radio Scotland, Glasgow Genre: Demos Duration: 05:13 Uploaded By Jerry Vigil on 20th Jul, 2020
This is a demo of work Steve sent in for the “RAP Cassette” back in 1995 to accompany the interview we did with him in July of that year. It garnered top hits in the Archives for the past month. A quick web search shows Steve has come a LONG way since 1995. Way to go, Steve! (Interview link:...
This is a demo of work Steve sent in for the “RAP Cassette” back in 1995 to accompany the interview we did with him in July of that year. It garnered top hits in the Archives for the past month. A quick web search shows Steve has come a LONG way since 1995. Way to go, Steve! (Interview link: https://rapmag.com/a/298-95/jul95/1279-r-a-p-interview-steve-martin)

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