Equipment News

Tascam’s new TM-D8000 Digital Mixer is designed for production and incorporates a multitude of faders and a full function transport controller. The mixer provides a variety of digital inputs (TDIF, AES/EBU, S/PDIF), snapshot and dynamic automation, digital AUX sends and returns, an integrated meter bridge, assignable digital dynamics and a “control pod” with LCD display for rapid access to numerous system parameters. Basic configuration of the console is 40 mono inputs and 6 stereo inputs, each with their own fader, and assignable to any of the 8 busses, stereo mix, or directly to the digital tape send of the corresponding channel. There are 24 dedicated digital tape sends and returns via TDIF-1. You’ll also find 16 analog inputs individually switchable between the XLR mic pre-amps or balanced TRS line inputs, and each of these channels provide analog insert points and phantom power. Dynamic processing includes gate, compression, and expansion using 8 internal processors. (213) 726-0303,

Symetrix announces a new series of half-rack tools. The 300 Series includes the 301 Low Distortion Compressor/Limiter ($249); the 303 Interface Amplifier ($199) for converting balanced to unbalanced and vice versa; the 305 Distribution Amplifier ($199) featuring a 1-in/4-out design; and the 307 Dual Isolation Transformer ($199) designed to assist in getting rid of ground loops. (425) 787-3222,

Audix introduces the OM-2 dynamic microphone, the latest in their OM Series. With affordability in mind ($149), the OM-2 features a spring-steel grill ball and an inner pop filter with added “warmth” in the lower mid-bass and a slight boost in the mid-range. Frequency response is 50Hz-16kHz. (800) 966-8261,

yamaha-03d-mixerYamaha announces the 03DVEK, a software upgrade for the popular 03D mixer which makes the 03D compatible with video edit controllers through the ESAM II protocol ($999). There’s also new Version 2.0 software for the 02R digital mixer. The upgrade ROM chip ($200) adds features that include 6-channel discrete surround sound capabilities on every input, digital aux sends available via Yamaha digital I/O cards, input cross-patching, and the ability to process output busses through dynamics, EQ, and routing matrixes. And Yamaha’s new DSP Factory plants the company firmly in the computer-based digital recording/editing arena. The DSP Factory is the umbrella for a series of components designed to bring digital recording and mixing to a personal computer. The DS2416 audio card ($999) is the first in the series and provides 24-channel digital mixing, two effects processors, plus sixteen tracks of hard disk recording with up to 32-bit resolution. Two cards can be linked together to create a larger system. The AX44 Audio Expansion Unit ($299) provides four analog inputs and ouputs plus a headphone jack and installs into a drive bay on the computer. In the works is the AX16-AT ($299), which will provide sixteen digital inputs and outputs in the ADAT format. (714) 522-9011,

Musicam Express introduced MX/Net, a new digital delivery system which gives Musicam Express’s existing network the ability to handle full multimedia packages including audio, video, text, hypertext, images, programs, and data files.(415) 249-4717.

If you haven’t acquired a CD burner for your studio yet, you at least know it’s “down the road.” And the next step is a high-speed CD burner. ICS (Intelligent Computer Solutions) unveils the CD-MASSter Elite, capable of copying eight 650-MB CR-Rs in just 18 minutes without the need for a PC. The stand-alone unit contains eight Matsushita 4x CD-R drives and is expandable to four towers with 32 drives. System prices start at $4,900. (818) 885-7500, fax (818) 885-6769,

Everybody…let’s merger! Broadcast Electronics announced it has acquired Auditronics, Inc., manufacturer of on-air consoles for radio. This is the first acquisition for BE since its purchase by Hoak Corporation last summer.

Sonic Solutions announced the release of SonicStudio software Version 5.4. The upgrade extends the “High-Density Audio” range of Sonic’s workstations to include multi-track 96kHz, 24-bit production and editing, double-precision filters, 96kHz to 44.1kHz sample rate conversion, Dolby Digital encoding, and support for new CD recorders. It’s a free upgrade to registered SonicCare users, $699 otherwise. Also new from Sonic Solutions is the Desktop Radio Interface (DRI), a digital audio workstation interface designed for the news editor’s desk. Features include a single-channel mic preamp, three stereo line-level analog source selections, two digital input source selections, 20-bit stereo A/D, D/A conversion, full monitoring, and a push-button front panel. (415) 893-8023, fax (415) 893-8008,


Alesis adds replacements for their ADAT and ADAT-XT. The ADAT-LX20 ($2,299) and the ADAT-XT20 ($2,999) are both 20-bit 8-track recorders using the S-VHS format, and both are compatible with earlier ADAT models. The LX20 offers unbalanced analog I/O. The XT20 offers both balanced and unbalanced analog I/O, and both offer optical ADAT digital I/O. (310) 255-3400, fax (310) 255-3401,

Syntrillium Software has released Version 1.1 of their Cool Edit Pro digital multitracking software. Free to registered users, the upgrade features more DirectX support, improved processing speed, and waveform grouping. New effects/processing algorithms include Vocoder, Pan/Expand, Clip Restoration, and Hiss Reduction. The new Radio Industry Option changes the titles of the text edit fields from standard RIFF specifications to Radio Industry titles. And there’s a lot more. (602) 941‑4327, fax (602) 941‑8170,

Music/SFX Libraries

Radioactive releases its first production library for radio. Radioactive Noise includes over 500 imaging elements designed for Rock, Hot AC, CHR, and Alternative formats. The elements are organized into 20 categories including Alarms, AM, Animals, Beeps, CD, Drones, Drums, Explosions, FM, Guitar, etc.. The library is available on either market exclusive or non-exclusive terms. (214) 526-7200, fax (214) 526-7215,

AV Deli makes its debut on the Internet. Check out the new site at for demo requests, online ordering, and more.

Radio Today signs a guaranteed deal to keep Rick Allen. The 10-year agreement has Allen’s company producing five production libraries. Rick Allen Creative Services has been working with Radio Today for five years and created libraries like Continuous Climax in a variety of formats. (602) 473-8318, fax (602) 473-8319.

The Mix

Congratulations to RAP columnist Mark Margulies and wife on their new daughter, Rachel Michelle Margulies, born April 12!

And congratulations to Paul Turner Productions on adding a new studio to their family! Toys include the Otari Status 32-track console, Pro Tools, Quested monitors, ISDN, and a ton of bells and whistles. (800) 736-3878.

Addressing the shortage of broadcast engineers that has hit the broadcast industry, the Society of Broadcast Engineers announced it will institute a program to educate young people about technical career opportunities in the industry. Using a combination of educational information and contact with engineers in the field (like your engineer), the SBE hopes to increase the number of young people who wish to continue their education after high school and eventually become broadcast engineers. SBE President, Ed Miller explained that, “In recent years, many broadcast engineers have left the industry for jobs in related fields where many times money was better and hours shorter and more predictable.” (Doesn’t it seem odd to relieve the shortage by recruiting high school kids rather than fixing the problem, which Mr. Miller stated himself, lousy money and lousy hours? Poor kids.)

Radio Disney’s Web site, has just added streaming audio to the site, enabling kids to listen to live broadcasts of the “just-for-kids” radio network. The new “Listen” page of the site also features sound bites from key Radio Disney features. The network currently has affiliates in 21 markets nationwide. (818) 623-3505.

Need an entertainer? The Entertainers’ Network is a UK based database of over 5000 entertainers from all over the UK with a few listings from the US. Log into to get the telephone numbers of all types of entertainers including clowns, brass bands, jugglers, etc.. For more info, contact Marc P Summers at (44) 1634 243 852.


  • The R.A.P. Cassette - September 1989

    Month after month, the quality of work going on around the country never ceases to amaze us. Randy Reeves, subject of this month's interview, starts things...