Side A begins with a 2-part demo from this month’s interview subject, Bettye Pierce Zoller. The first part is a short voice-over demo from Bettye, followed by excerpts from the Commercial$peak! tape discussed in the interview. The rest of Side A is filled with another great collection of commercials from RAP members everywhere.

Side B opens with the audio for this month’s Producer’s VU column, an excellent piece of production from Jeff Schmidt at KFOG in San Francisco. Read how he did it in this month’s column, then crank it up for the best effect! The rest of Side B is stuffed with some great promos. Cut 2 does a nice job of promoting the station’s history in the market by bringing out the old jingles. The rest of the cuts run the creative gamut, and we’ve added a few that have been resting in the archives but needed to come out.

Side A

1. Demo from Bettye Pierce Zoller, ZWL Publishing, Dallas, Texas
2. USA Quickprint, Doug Ankerman, WHBC-AM/FM, Canton, Ohio
3. LCC/10-10-561, Randy Horvath, Vanilla Gorilla Productions, Sugar Land, Texas
4. Salado Springs, Ric Gonzalez, KISS/KSMG/KLUP, San Antonio, Texas
5. Rik’s Music, Matt Anthony, WXVO-FM, Knoxville, Tennessee
6. The Chili Company, Zack, WAQZ, Cincinnati, Ohio
7. Marquis Sound & Vision, Bryan Cox, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
8. Frank’s Shoe Repair, Laurie Olson, KUOO, Spirit Lake, Iowa
9. Toys R Us, Dianne Berger, Radio Disney/KMKY, Oakland, California
10. Moore Jeep, Pat White, WIL-FM, St. Louis, Missouri

Side B

1. Producer’s VU audio, Attitude Adjustment Hour, Jeff Schmidt, KFOG, San Francisco, California
2. WIVK/45-Years, Eric Bohlen, WIVK/WNOX, Knoxville, Tennessee
3. Thing You Put on Your Bumper, Vito Gee, WLZR-FM, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
4. 4th Of July Beat Sweep, Garry “D”, KNIX, Phoenix, Arizona
5. The All American Package, Todd Manley, WCKG, Chicago, Illinois
6. Bolton/Jackson Concerts, Tom Richards, WBEB, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
7. Free Music, Dean Heid, WYHT/WMAN, Mansfield, Ohio
8. Kokomo, Mark Kirkby, CKNX-AM/FM, Wingham, Ontario, Canada
9. Live on the Internet, Daryl Missen, B105FM, Bowen Hills, Queensland, Australia
10. The New Planet, Sandy Thomas, Sandy Thomas Productions, Bellmore, New York
11. AM Tease, Stew Herrera, KLOS, Los Angeles, California
12. Hagar, Ed Brown, KSHE-FM, St. Louis, Missouri
13. End of the World, Eric Chase, WFLA/WFLZ, Tampa, Florida
14. WGLD/Gold Star Play of the Day, Johnny George, WFMS/WGRL/WGLD, Indianapolis, Indiana
15. 2FM/Hotline, Dusty Rhodes, Digital Audio Productions, Dublin, Ireland
16. Apologies, Krash Bassett, WAXQ-FM, New York, New York
17. Hope, Mark Michaels, KGBI-FM, Omaha, Nebraska


  • The R.A.P. Cassette - February 1994

    Awesome demo from interview subject Paul Turner, plus some early Pro Tools work from Jeff Berlin @ WXKS/Boston, imaging work from Stew Herrera @...