Congratulations Winners!

All Markets - Best Feature Production

WINNER: Manger 6 - Steve Gamlin, WGIR-FM, Manchester, New Hampshire.  Producer - Steve Gamlin Copy Writers - Steve Gamlin, Baxter Voice Talent - Baxter
1st Runner-Up (Tie): The Day That Santa Died - The Dave & Tom Show, KKRH-FM, Portland, Oregon. Producer - Travis Box Copy Writers - Travis Box, Dave Scott, Tom Turner, Rusty Pickett Voice Talent - Travis Box
1st Runner-up (TIE): My Hair, My Hair! - Bill Schultz, WKTU-FM, New York, New York. Producer - Bill Schultz Copy Writer - Bill Schult 2nd Runner-up: Candle In The Wind/Burgess The Dave & Tom Show KKRH-FM, Portland, Oregon Producer - Travis Box Copy Writers - The Dave & Tom Show Voice Talent - Travis Box

Small Market - Commercials

WINNER Convenient Med Center - Lonnie Ray, WIXY/WLRW, Champaign, Illinois. Producer - Lonnie Ray Copy Writer - Dawna Kemper Voice Talents - Alice Cooper, Lon Ray
1st Runner-up: Crystal Pool/Keith's Swim Lessons - Ross McIntyre, 100.3 The Q, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. Producer - Ross McIntyre Copy Writer - Dan Kahan Voice Talents - Dan Kahan, Rick Everett, Ross McIntyre
2nd Runner-up: Radio USA/Go Play With Your Balls, Fred! - John Mozes, WPST-FM, Princeton, New Jersey. Producer - Dan Kelly Copy Writer - John Mozes Voice Talent - Dan Kelly

Medium Market - Commercials

WINNER: Meeting. Meeting? Meeting. - Renaud Timson, CHEZ-FM, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Producer - Dan Youngs Copy Writer - Renaud Timson Voice Talents - Dan Youngs, Renaud Timson, Geoff Winter
1st Runner-up That's Not My Mouth - Renaud Timson, CHEZ-FM, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Producer - Dan Youngs Copy Writer - Renaud Timson Voice Talents - Robin Smith, Renaud Timson, Jacki Navratil
2nd Runner-up: Spots Are Us - Andrew N. Abdow, WRFX-FM, Charlotte, North Carolina. Producer - Andrew N. Abdow Copy Writer - Andrew N. Abdow Voice Talent - Andrew N. Abdow

Large Market - Commercials

WINNER: Accessory Outfitters/General - Eric Stephens American Radio Systems, Portland, Oregon. Producers - Eric Stephens, Mark Evans Copy Writers - Eric Stephens, Steve Flood Voice Talent - Christopher Tracy
1st Runner-up: My Lawyer Can Beat Up Your Lawyer - Rich VanSlyke WKLS-FM, Atlanta, Georgia. Producer - Rich VanSlyke Copy Writer - Rich VanSlyke Voice Talents - Mark Coughlin, Rich VanSlyke
2nd Runner-up: Whittemores/Singable Suggestions - Mark Stevick WEZE-FM, Boston, Massachusetts. Producer - Mark Stevick Copy Writer - Mark Stevick Voice Talent - Mark Stevick

Small Market - Promos

WINNER: Halloween Party - Ron Drew WGIR-FM, Manchester, New Hampshire. Producer - Ron Drew Copy Writer - Ron Drew Voice Talents - Sara Anderson, A.J. Vazifdar, Nick Sommers
1st Runner-up: Three Little Pigs and the Big Bad Wolf - Tim Guy WCFR, Springfield, Vermont. Producer - Tim Guy Copy Writer - Tim Guy Voice Talent - Tim Guy
2nd Runner-up: If You Drink Don't Drive - Stephen Blakeney WBBN/WXRR, Laurel, Mississippi. Producer - Stephen Blakeney Copy Writer - Stephen Blakeney Voice Talent - Larry Blakeney

Medium Market - Promos

WINNER: Classic Rock Is... - Craig Jackman CHEZ-FM, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Producer - Craig Jackman Copy Writer - Robin Smith Voice Talent - Nick Michaels
1st Runner-up: Saturday Night Live - Grant Buckerfield GWR-FM, Bristol, United Kingdom. Producer - Grant Buckerfield Voice Talent - Sasu
2nd Runner-up: Rocky XXV - C.J. Goodearl WQTM-AM, Orlando, Florida. Producer - C.J. Goodearl Copy Writer - C.J. Goodearl Voice Talent - C.J. Goodearl

Large Market - Promos

WINNER: Mick's Lips and a Couple-a-Trips - Joel Moss, WEBN-FM, Cincinnati, Ohio. Producer - Joel Moss Copy Writers - Joel Moss, Michael Walter Voice Talents - Joel Moss and The Boys in the Band
1st Runner-up: McVeigh Must Pay Day - Rich VanSlyke WKLS-FM, Atlanta, Georgia. Producer - Rich VanSlyke Copy Writers - Rich VanSlyke, Pat Ervin Voice Talent - Chris Corley
2nd Runner-up: Classic Hits Blitz/Tub Blitzin' - Allen Hite, WMGK-FM, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Producer - Allen Hite Copy Writers - Dan Michaels, Allen Hite Voice Talents - Allen Hite, Dan Michaels, Craig Chambers, Emily Roberts, Jim Cutler


  • The R.A.P. CD - February 2005

    Production demo from interview subject, Drake Donovan at WZPT/WDSY, Pittsburgh, PA; plus promos, imaging and commercial work from Dave Foxx, Z100, New...