We begin Side A with a great demo from this month's interview subject, Ron Drew. The demo ends with the "Plugged, Unplugged Weekend" promo that landed Ron the Small Market Best Promo Award in this year's Radio And Production Awards. Expect to hear more and more Web site promos on The Cassette. Cut 2 from Rich Boerner is the first sample we've received.

Side B opens with audio for this month's Producer's VU column, a spoof interview with Jim Carrey for the WEBN Fools Day Parade. Read then listen, or listen then read this month's Producer's VU column. Sensitive ears, be forewarned; the interview is about Carrey's bogus penile reduction. We wrap up Side B with three sweeper/ID montages.

Side A

Cut 1 - Demo from Ron Drew/WGIR-AM/FM, Manchester, New Hampshire
Cut 2 - "Home Invasion on the Internet" - Rich Boerner/WTKS-FM, Orlando, Florida
Cut 3 - "Rockline/Satriani" - R.Timson(wv), C.Jackman(pv), M.Giunta(v)/CHEZ-FM, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Cut 4 - "Artist/Listener Testimonial" - Craig Rogers/KLYF-FM, Des Moines, Iowa
Cut 5 - "Time Machine" - Keith Provost(wpv)/Froggy 99, Winchester, Virginia
Cut 6 - "Elvis Gives You Gas" - Jim Merkel(v), Kat Morgan(wp)/KOSP-FM, Springfield, Missouri
Cut 7 - "Mad Cow Weekend" - Jerry Wise(wpv)/WKXA-FM, Findlay, Ohio
Cut 8 - "Smashing Pumpkins Weekend" - D.Kubinski(w), M.Todd(p), K.Eubanks(v)/WMMS-FM, Cleveland, Ohio
Cut 9 - "Classic Countdown Weekend" - Daryl Missen/B105, Bowen Hills, Australia
Cut 10 -"Request And Dedication Weekend" - Tom Woerner(pw), Charlie Van Dyke(v)/WFOX-FM, Atlanta, Georgia
Cut 11 - "WIIL Superbowl" - Randy McCarten(wpv), Phil Inzing(v)/WIIL/WLIP, Kenosha, Wisconsin
Cut 12 - "Ticket to Ride" - Doug Grant(wpv)/WKLT-FM, Traverse City, Michigan
Cut 13 - "KUBL Sound" - J.George(pw), B.Moore(v), S.Mahalick(w)/HotSpots!, Indianapolis, Indiana
Cut 14 - "Nobody Covers The Bills" - Brad Smith(wp), Lonnie Perkins(v)/WHAM-AM, Rochester, New York

Side B

Cut 1 - "Jim Carrey Interview" (Producer's VU audio) - Joel Moss/WEBN-FM, Cincinnati, Ohio
Cut 2 - "Holiday Stress" - Jay Greener(wpv)/WCFL-FM, Chicago, Illinois
Cut 3 - "Computer Giveaway" - Dennis McAtee/KKOW-AM/FM, Pittsburg, Kansas
Cut 4 - "Bad Dog Cafe" - R.Miller(wv), R.Waqairoba(wpv), R.Nond(v)/FM96, Suva, Fiji
Cut 5 - "Jimmy Buffett Weekend" - Jack Cone/WSTR-FM, Atlanta, Georgia
Cut 6 - "Bon Jovi Free Concert" - Garry "D"(p), Mr. Ed(w), S.Caldwell(v)/KHKS-FM, Dallas, Texas
Cut 7 - "Dixie Classic Fair" - Jim Scott(wpv), Teresa Robbins(v)/WMAG-FM, Greensboro, North Carolina
Cut 8 - "Counting the Minutes" - Lonnie Perkins(wpv)/WIBC, Indianapolis, Indiana
Cut 9 - "Strait Song Scramble" - Matt Rawlings(pv), Zeus(v)/WGRL/WFMS, Indianapolis, Indiana
Cut 10 - "Coca Cola Red Hot Summer" - Scotty Matthews(pv), Scott Scarborough(w)/WKQQ-FM, Lexington, Kentucky
Cut 11 - Sweeper montage - Matt Rawlings(pv), Zeus(v)/WGRL/WFMS, Indianapolis, Indiana
Cut 12 - Sweeper montage - Jim Merkel(v), Kat Morgan(p)/KOSP-FM, Springfield, Missouri
Cut 13 - Sweeper montage - Sandy Thomas(v), Mike Rusinko(p)/Sandy Thomas Productions, Bellmore, New York


  • The R.A.P. Cassette - November 1992

    Featured production demo from TV audio producer Wally Wawro at WFAA-TV, Dallas, plus work from WKDF Nashville, KSHE St. Louis, WEBN Cincinnati,...