MARANTZ has a rack-mount CD player/cassette deck. The PMD350 has separate outputs and pitch controls and features programmable CD playback, mic inputs and more. 708/820-4800.

TASCAM's CD-201 CD Player is a rack-mount unit featuring S/PDIF digital output, cue to audio, remote start capability and timer on/off function. 213/726-0303, fax 213/727-7656.

PACIFIC RESEARCH & ENGINEERING announces AirWave, their first on-air console targeted specifically for medium to smaller market stations. Two models will be available starting in January. AirWave comes as a mainframe with the number of channels determined by the customer. Standard features include a preamp module with five mic preamps with phantom power, balanced patch points, a stereo program-1, program-2, and monaural output module, a dual remote selector module, and a timer control module. 619/438-3911, fax 619/438-9277.

RANE introduces the Mojo Squeeze MC-22 dual-channel compressor. For $299 you get balanced XLR and 1/4-inch I/O with controls for radio, threshold and input level. An automatic downward expander is provided with fixed 2:1 ratio and threshold set at -55dB. 206/355-6000, fax 206/347-7757.

PRESONUS AUDIO ELECTRONICS introduces the ACP-8, an 8-channel compressor/limiter with noise gates on each channel. Front panel controls include, for each channel, compressor threshold, radio, attack, release, and gain. Controls for the gate include variable threshold, release and attenuation. $799. 504/344-7887, fax 504/344-8881.

MUSICAM recently unveiled the new, updated version of FieldFone and its partner, StudioFone. Both systems enable sending digital audio over a regular POTS phone line and feature Layer III technology plus MUSICAM's own proprietary digital enhancements. Both offer bidirectional connection over a single analog line, and both provide frequency response approaching 9kHz with a special "Sound Shaper" menu to sculpt the frequency response for optimum quality. FieldFone is optimized for on-location performances with mic and line inputs, headphone outputs and an improved display. StudioFone provides all the features of FieldFone plus in-studio or in-the-field rack mounting. Also new from MUSICAM is the RoadRunner portable codec which provides 15kHz mono on a single ISDN "B" channel and 20kHz on a full ISDN line. It supports CCS MUSICAM enhanced, IRT-compatible Layer II at 56, 64, 112, and 128 kb/s. It also supports Layer III at those bit rates and G.722 at 56 and 64 kb/s for 7.5 kHz audio. The new Olympian stereo ISDN codec features CCS MUSICAM, IRT-certified as Layer II compatible with bit rates up to 384 kb/s, ISO/MPEG Layer III up to 320 kb/s, G.722 and G.711. You get three mic inputs with stereo pans and one line input plus lots of extras. 908/739-5600, fax 908/739-1818.

The new Version 4.0 software for Sound Forge is now available from SONIC FOUNDRY. Editing and processing speed has improved and there are several new features including a 4-band compressor/limiter and improved time compression/expansion. 608/256-3133.

The MDM-X4 from SONY is a 4-channel digital recorder using the MiniDisc format. Features include Song and Track editing functions, vari-speed, a jog/shuttle wheel and more. 800/635-SONY.


FIRSTCOM MUSIC releases ten new titles to their Custom Production Library. Two CDs come from Steve Peppos (Techsonics): Emotions Volume 1 and New Age Volume 2. RAP's own Dennis Daniel provided Edge Effects Volume 5 which includes 99 tracks of "wild liners with power music behind them," ready to air. Other releases include Edge Effects Volume 6, Specialty Volume 4, and Nashville Promos Plus Disc 5. 214/934-2222, fax 214/404-9656, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

CHAMELEON MUSIC announces the release of three new CDs, Progressive Pop, Suspense, and Chameleon Christmas. All CDs come with full length scores and :60, :30, :10, and :05 edits. RAP Members get a 10% discount! 413/789-1917.

MANHATTAN PRODUCTION MUSIC has signed an agreement with AirWorks to offer Tunefinder. With this music search and sample CD-ROM software, the user can type in any music key word and the program will list all the cues under that category from the Manhattan or Apple Trax libraries. It will then play short samples of selections on the computer. Manhattan has also added a new release to their Apple Trax Library. AT 20 Uptown Santa contains jazz, rock and dance arrangements of eight popular holiday tunes. 212/333-5766, email mpmusc@


KRIS STEVENS ENTERPRISES unveils two new Christmas programs. The Magic of Christmas and Christmas in the Country. Both programs have been updated and are provided on CD. 800/231-6100.

FIDELIPAC CORPORATION President Roger Thanhauser announced the sale of the company to Amplifonix Inc. of Philadelphia. Fidelipac will continue to serve the broadcast industry as a division of Amplifonix. Mr. Thanhauser will maintain his relationship with Fidelipac on a long term basis in a consultant capacity. 609/235-3900, fax 609/235-7779. 


  • The R.A.P. CD - April 2003

    More audio from the 13th R.A.P. Awards! It's the Best of the Rest Part 1, featuring Feature Productions and Commercials from Andrew Fewster, 105.4...