RIVER CITY SOUND PRODUCTIONS announces the release of Volume 4 of their Specialty Series library. Corporate/Industrial features 7 themes with full length versions and broadcast edits. Buy-out - $59. (800) 755-8729.

THE MUSIC BAKERY announces the release of their 16th CD in their buy-out library. The CD includes full length themes and broadcast edits. $48. (214) 414-0313.

As if selling production libraries isn't work enough, THE RADIO POTATO is now getting into the newsletter business! RAP members can check out the debut issue of News From Underground (Radio Potato Speaks Out) in this issue of RAP. The monthly newsletter will offer special promotions to readers of the newsletter as well as "provide updates about various Radio Potato products, solicit advice, discuss positioning philosophy, and generally provide radio production people with fodder for their morning constitutionals." For more info contact Marshall Such at (817) 481-4453.


ORBAN is now offering the 6th free software update for DSE-7000 users. Highlights include enhanced editing functions, a faster disk-management system, and full controls for a new digital/analog I/O option. New features include commands to sort, organize, or preview sounds with a single keystroke; new cuing functions including "one-touch skip silence" to jump to the next sound on any track; enhanced mixer and production memory that saves everything; a completely rewritten help system; and six high-resolution peak-hold level meters with pre-overload warning lights. For more information contact Geoff Steadman at (617) 789-4673.

HHB DAT Tape is now available in the US through Independent Audio of Portland, Maine. The purple DAT cassette outperformed many leading brands in recent tests. (207) 773-2424.

NIGHT TECHNOLOGIES INTER-NATIONAL introduces the EQ³ Sound Enhancement System. It's an equalizer, but it boasts some pretty remarkable features like "virtually no phase shift, essentially no THD, brightens without side effects, greatest control over sibilance." It's getting some high marks from the recording industry and may well be THE equalizer for the audiophile. $4,300! (801) 375-9288.

AIRcorp Systems introduces the AIRcart*mo, another contender in the digital cart machine wars! High on its list of attractive features is the fact that no data compression is used. The medium is 3.5-inch magneto-optical disks. At 48kHz sampling you get eleven minutes of non-compressed audio per disk. Other sampling frequencies include 44.1, 32 and 24kHz in mono or stereo mode. Other features on this easy to use digital "cart" machine include EOM signals, secondary and tertiary cues, intro and outro preview, countdown timer, 4-line "recorded cartridge label" display, RBDS data, Aspect compatibility standard, and more. (309) 454-4900.

ROLAND announces the release of Version 2.0 firmware upgrade for their DM-80. Improvements include fader grouping, mixer snapshots, an audio "profile" display on the remote, group move, better backup functions, and more. (213) 685-5141.

OTARI CORPORATION and CREATION TECHNOLOGIES announced recently an agreement giving Otari worldwide exclusive rights to market and distribute the RADAR Random Access Digital Audio Recorder. The hard disk based digital workstation features track slipping, vari-speed, non-destructive editing, copy and paste editing, 99 cue points, and instant undo. A 24-track RADAR with remote sells for under $23,000. Otari also announced the upcoming production this summer of their new MR-10 MiniDisc Recorder/Player. Based upon the Sony MD format, the unit will feature TOC editing, an audible cue mode, balanced XLR ins and outs, a digital I/O, and an enhanced digital readout. Otari also released Version 4.4 software for their ProDisk workstation, as well as new software for their DTR-90T 4-head R-DAT recorder. (415) 341-5900.

AKAI announces the availability of the Version 3.0 Operating System for their DR4d hard disk recorder. Features include enhanced MIDI and SMPTE support and track merging which allows you to internally combine tracks with level control of individual tracks. $50 for the upgrade. (817) 336-5114.


A couple of congrats are in order for some RAP members! "Lee's Story," a cut that appeared on the '93 RAP Cassette from Craig Rogers, WHO/KLYF Des Moines, won an Honorable Mention from the National Agri-Marketers Association. This was the only commercial in the competition that was not produced by an agency, and WHO was the only radio station to place in the competition! Congrats to Lester Temple of KITS-FM in San Francisco. The station won top award for Best Radio Station Produced promo from the Northern California Broadcasters Association Radio Creative Awards.

Want to catch up on the latest technologies in the area of audio replication and duplication? Check out REPLItech International, a convention in Santa Clara, California slated for June 14-16. For registration info call (914) 328-9157.


  • The R.A.P. Cassette - November 1998

    Production demo from interview subject, Bumper Morgan @ Bumper Productions, Nashville, TN; plus more imaging, promos and commercial work from Randy Cox,...