FIRSTCOM adds three news CDs to their Sound Designer library. SD-HD Holiday/Seasonal Disc 3 features contemporary and well-known Christmas themes. SD-R5 Rock Disk 5 features high to medium intensity metal and hard rock. SD-U15 Underscore Disk 15 features medium intensity, bright underscores and themes. (214) 934-2222.

DIGIMUSIC STUDIO was at NAB in Dallas with Master Performance I, a 9 CD production library of music and effects. The CDs are titled: Music Production I and II, Magic Arpeggio, Action Sequences, Dynamic Sequences, Megalazzer Hits, Christmas Tools, Impact Rhythm/SFX I, and Special Effects II. Digitally recorded in Mexico, the company has marketed the library in Asia, Latin America and Europe and is now offering the package in the U.S. as a buyout at $700 or $100 per CD if purchased separately. Contact Leny Omilion in Mexico at 011-52493-25070.

TM CENTURY presents Slam Dunk, a 25 CD library of music and work parts in 12 categories including Rock, Mainstream, TechnoEdge, Space, Sophistication, Urban, Elegance, Specialty and more. For more info call (214) 247-8850.

DIMENSION MUSIC is now offering Custom Specialty CDs, a full CD of country, rock, industrial, or mixed selections of music customized to fit your needs. Sounds like they have a CD recorder being put to use in a pretty nifty way! They've also moved, and yes, they're having a "moving sale!" -- discount prices on existing CDs. For more info call the new number (407) 575-7004.


FIDELIPAC presents the Dynamax SRC Sampling Rate Converter. The microprocessor controlled unit receives stereo digital audio conforming to AES/EBU, IEC 958, S/PDIF or Optical formats in professional or consumer mode at any frequency and outputs it at either a user-programmable sampling rate or synchronized to a second, reference digital audio signal. (609) 235-3900.

SONY introduces the PCM-E7700 DATStation. This is a dual-deck DAT editing and duplication system. Features include non-destructive editing, real-time digital jog, automatic assemble editing from an EDL, graphical editing, and digital cross-fades for clean edits. (201) 930-7454.

DENON introduces the DN-990R MD Cart Recorder and DN-980F MD Cart Player. Utilizing the MiniDisc format, the units are designed specifically for broadcast. They inherit virtually all the features and benefits of the Denon CD Cart Players. The units are expected to be available in the Spring of 1994. (201) 882-7460.

Several new products from VALLEY AUDIO PRODUCTS are slated for showcasing at the AES show this month in New York. Look for the Model 730 Digital Dynamics Processor, the Model 433 Dynamite 3 expander/gate/compressor/limiter, the Model 460 X-Gate/NR swept frequency expander/gate/noise reducer, and the Model 401 Microphone Processor featuring a preamp, equalizer, compressor, expander and gate. (800) 800-4345. •


Congrats to RAP member Sandy Thomas on his recent move to New York where his free-lance voice business continues to grow...enough to plug a new Korg SoundLink workstation into his arsenal of toys! (516) 679-1316.


  • The R.A.P. CD - March 2006

    Finalists of the 16th Radio And Production Awards, including winning audio from Ned Spindle, Q101/Emmis, Chicago, IL; Steve Stone, Zimmer Radio...